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08 April 2016

You really want to save lives?

Forget about "assault" rifles... ban swimming pools...
"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figures showed that in 2010... the number of children killed in unintentional drowning deaths was sixteen times higher than the number of children killed in unintentional gun-related deaths."
But that's not gonna happen, is it.

Well... how about we reconcile the perpetual hypocrisy of the lunatic left with their behavior?
Democrats have become known as the party of gun control,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to ‘put up or shut up’ about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.”

“If a political party believes that guns do not make us safer,” Gottlieb observed, “they should set an example by rejecting any and all forms of armed security at their national convention. A party that does not believe in the right of individual citizens to keep and bear arms should not benefit from the safety provided by others who bear arms.