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25 March 2010

The first thing we do... hang all the lawyers...
-- TORONTO -- The teenaged girl whose testimony was the catalyst in the Jordan Manners murder investigation told her aunt that she had witnessed the act inside C.W. Jefferys Collegiate on May 23, 2007.

But the witness’ statement was never heard by the jury at the trial of two 20-year-olds, J.W. and C.D., accused of murdering the 15-year-old Manners.
But that's not all...
Another piece of evidence that the jury also never heard was that one particle of gunshot residue was found on one of the accused men’s right hand.

The test was taken seven hours after the shooting. But Justice Nordheimer ruled that the accused’s rights were violated as he didn’t consent to the test, and the police didn’t have a search warrant authorizing the test.
The fact is, we have a legal system... not a system of justice.


RELATED: Un-freakin'-believable
If the judges decide that fairness requires a new trial, the courts will have to replay an arduous case that consumed five years, featured 129 witnesses and included 1.3 million pages of documents.
That's odd... I think they had me back at "human head in a bucket."