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25 March 2010

Somebody gonna ask Iggy...

...where he stands on this one?
-- OTTAWA -- The Conservative government is promising to cut off monthly old-age security payments to hundreds of federal prison inmates, including infamous serial killer Clifford Olson.

The latest available figures indicate about 325 jailed killers, rapists and other assorted criminals over 65 are receiving up to $1,200 a month in old age security.
Hey... if you think that's a stupid, over the top question... then you haven't heard all about the Liberals and poor ol' Ronald Smith.


"Or Jeff Power, the prisoner who shaved a red Liberal "L" in his hair during the 2006 election campaign. You just know that guys like Roger Smith and Jeff Power realize exactly what side of their bread that has been "Liberally" buttered." :D
Ya figure ol' Jeff has been rehabilitated?


LAST WORD: What should really scare Iggy... that he's being under-bussed by Hanoi Jane Taber...
Michael Ignatieff’s Liberals are sliding back into Stéphane Dion territory, according to a new EKOS Research poll.

This is not a good set of numbers, especially for the Liberals, pollster Frank Graves says. “After pulling back to parity they seem to be following a slow downward spiral into Dion-land.”
Ooooh... there's the kiss of death.