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24 March 2010

Last night's little Coulter Kerfuffle...

...would have been a perfect opportunity for Ottawa Police to try out their new toy...
I want one.


RELATED: Greetings from the University...

...of "Shut Your Face"...
A Form Letter For Speakers from the University of PLEASE FILL IN HERE.


May I welcome you to NAME OF UNIVERSITY. As you have somehow eluded border guards, allow me to assist you by identifying the specific ideas that you are not so much forbidden to say, but free to avoid.

You are free to conclude that if your views are reflected on the list below, then they will be referred to an investigator with our Human Rights Commission, or they may be subject to criminal prosecution.


LAST WORD: We are all Ann Coulter
The dinosaur media are vast lumbering eunuchs too cowed by political correctness to do even elementary research.

Fatima Al Dhaher, the poor wee thing traumatized by Ann Coulter's camel joke, turns out to be a Jew-hater who wants to eliminate the State of Israel, and belongs to a group who regard Jews as "subhuman zionazis/kikeroaches".

But that's too complicated for the media to fit into their Sesame Street narratives.