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14 October 2011

Of course they do... the two organisations...

...are practically interchangeable...a funded branch of the liberal party of canada
“The Liberal Party of Canada recognizes the profound importance of the CBC's role in our society. We will fight to ensure our national broadcaster receives the support and resources it needs to continue to do its vital job.”
That's a billion taxpayer dollars per year. You ever wonder where all that money goes?
"In the fiscal year ending in March 2009 — a month when 61,000 Canadians lost their jobs — the top 10 executives at CBC split a performance bonus kitty worth $888,699."

"The individual bonuses ranged from $4,300 at the bottom end to $165,090 at the top end, which is almost 3.5 times greater than the average Canadian salary, according to Statistics Canada."
And guess what? They're fighting to keep those facts from folks like you and me...
This week, CBC/Radio-Canada lawyers went to court in Montreal to plead that their Crown corporation not be subject to the Access to Information Act (AIA) like all other federal institutions.
Just a little something to think about... while you're writing out that big cheque next April.