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14 October 2011

Here's a little experiment you can try...

...go get a bunch of your buddies and set up blockades on the nearest highway... and, oh yeah, don't forget to bring along some guns...
too many chiefs, not enough law & orderMake sure you get your nose outta joint if the cops have the temerity to get involved in your "business"...
Shawn Atleo, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said he was offended to learn that native activism is considered “threatening to national safety and security” in Canada.
Native "activism"? Is that what we're calling it these days?


RELATED: We're not hurting anyone
"Hydro One has been powerless to complete a $116-million transmission line upgrade for five years because Caledonia “warriors” won’t allow workers to wire the last towers."

LAST WORD: The best and most lucrative defense...
less protest, more introspection?