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09 September 2011

Bias? What bias?

a little more to the left
“Tim Hudak appears to be a fan of 'pornographers'. Is that the kind of man you want representing you and your children, Ontario?” Newman posted to his Twitter account Wednesday night.
It's true... I was really upset when I read that Tim Hudak was found naked in a Chinatown broth... wait a minute...

(link fixed)


RELATED: Meanwhile, in actual porn news...
-- OTTAWA -- A federal bureaucrat fired for his workplace porn habit is back at work, QMI Agency has learned.

Franklin Andrews, a policy advisor at Citizenship and Immigration Canada got his walking papers in November 2009 for spending work hours surfing porn websites.

But he appealed the firing and the Public Service Labour Relations Board ordered him reinstated in early August.
And what wound is actually complete... without a little salt rubbed into it...
After his superiors confronted him, Andrews admitted what he had done, but argued "he was acting through boredom and insufficient work," the labour board decision said.