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08 September 2011

Premier McSlippery's "racetrack logic"

Dalton's got a sure thing here... there's simply no way Ontario taxpayers can possibly lose... right?dare to be dalton
-- London, ONT. -- "Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty is challenging his chief rival to look workers employed in the province’s nascent green-energy sector directly in the eyes and tell them he is 'killing' their jobs."

"The Progressive Conservatives under Leader Tim Hudak, they argue, would jeopardize the economy’s fragile recovery by turning back the clock on progress."
Yeah... the Liberals, touting "green this" and "green that" are obviously on the side of angels here.

I mean, what could possibly go... wait a minute...
FBI agents armed with search warrants descended Thursday morning on bankrupt solar company Solynrda. Solyndra filed for bankruptcy last week, shocking both workers and the Obama administration, which had given the startup $535 million in low interest loans.

The announcement was a devastating blow to Mr. Obama who is set to deliver a speech on job creation Thursday evening.
Hey... what's a paltry $535 million dollars between friends?

Except here in Ontario... the number's what... $7,000,000,000.00?

But don't worry... this one's a lock.

Dalton promised.