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09 September 2011

It's not who you know, it's...

...oh, c'mon... who am I kidding?
-- Framingham, MA -- Officials released President Obama’s uncle from Plymouth County jail yesterday after holding him for more than two weeks on an immigration detainer for violating an order to return to his native Kenya in 1992.

At the time of his arrest, Obama allegedly told Framingham police, “I think I will call the White House’’ to arrange bail.

RELATED: Hope, Change and...

..."we don' need no steenkin' rules"...
-- WASHINGTON -- Barack Obama's aunt, a Kenyan woman who has been quietly living in public housing in Boston, is in the United States illegally after an immigration judge rejected her request for asylum four years ago.
Where does the President stand on illegal immigration?


LAST WORD: Corrupt... or merely incompetent?
Solyndra has attracted attention in Washington because the company’s largest investors include funds linked to billionaire Tulsa oil industrialist George Kaiser, a leading fundraiser for President Obama.

It had been touted by Obama as a model for his administration’s effort to invest $80 billion in taxpayer funds in innovative companies and bolster a clean-technology industry in the United States.

“The future is here,” he said at a May 2010 speech at the plant.

Obama’s appearance came weeks after independent auditors had questioned the company’s ability to continue.