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15 July 2011

Yes, it's true... you're paying the freight here

Just something to think about, Toronto... the next time you're writing out that obscenely excessive municipal tax cheque to the folks down at Nathan Phillips Square...
"While people in different contexts can experience prejudice or discrimination, racism, in a North American context, is based on an ideology of the superiority of the white race over other racial groups."
Hey, does that also apply to "Heather's Two Daddies?"... or just to heterosexual Anglo-Saxons?

No matter, just remember the point here... only people with pale skins can be haters.

Just another important message courtesy of the TDSB.


RELATED: Never mind historical context...

...we'll just pretend it's all rainbows & unicorns...
Stop 4 on the tour is under the headline "Negro Murders Elderly Woman - Mrs. Peake of Stratford Victim of Brutal Lust."

Based on the map, the stop is at the Stratford Jail.

The description on the map reads "Convicted for a murder that shocked the province, Frank Roughmond was hung at Stratford Jail in 1909.
Sure, this is a nasty stereotype. It's also an actual portrayal of the way people thought... 102 years ago. And let's not forget there was an actual murder.

But let's just pretend none of this actually happened. Let's pretend the word "negro" never existed.

Moreover... let's label everybody who lives in Stratford racist.

That'll solve everything.


LAST WORD: Hey, Poindexter, you can't say that...
-- (Reuters Health) -- Black men are half as likely to die at any given time if they're in prison than if they aren't, suggests a new study of North Carolina inmates.

"Ironically, prisons are often the only provider of medical care accessible by these underserved and vulnerable Americans," said Hung-En Sung of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York.
And, nonny... before you get your little monkies & unicorns panties in a knot... remember that this is your buddies at Reuters who are advancing this little bundle of knowledge.

I'm just the messenger.