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05 August 2011

Special Rules for Special People

It's been 10 years this month that we pulled up stakes and left Toronto the Good... and frankly, there have been no regrets... not a single one... but it's stuff like this that really brings the "Big Picture" into focus...
special rules for special peopleWhen the very people who are supposed to be upholding the law of the land are instead continually handing out "free passes" to various special interest groups... you know it's past time to get the hell outta Dodge.

And, c'mon Peace Moonbeam... you don't think the cop did anything remarkable here?

Here's a little experiment. The next time you have occasion to interact with a police officer... try taking a swipe at his notebook... and "accidently" punch him in the head.

Yeah... that's what I thought.


UPDATE: Story goes international

Looks like Muhammed Alia is gonna get her 15 minutes of fame...
special rules for special people**********

LAST WORD: Yeah... I'm shocked

Where there's smoke... there's, well... hypocrisy & cowardice.