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21 February 2011

And hey, that guy reminds everybody...

...of Mr Spock's father on anti-depressants... how's he doing? --
What may matter most is that after weeks of Conservative television attack ads warning voters that the once-itinerant Liberal Leader “didn’t come back for you,” the share of voters who approve of Mr. Ignatieff’s leadership has slumped to 13.6 percent, slightly behind “none of the above.”

NDP Leader Jack Layton’s is more popular, with the approval of 14.3 per cent of voters, compared to Mr. Harper’s comparatively robust 34.5 per cent.

The Nanos Leadership Index score, an amalgam of questions on trust, competence and vision, has Mr. Ignatieff at 36.9, down from 45.1 in December. Stephane Dion was at the same level during the 2008 coalition crisis, when he was at his nadir. This is slough of despond territory. In contrast, Stephen Harper scores 98.9, up from 84.9.

That ad showing the Prime Minister alone in his office, working late into the night with a cheap pen, seems to have worked.
You mean... as opposed to the guy who keeps going on those bus tours... to convince everybody he's just a regular Joe Sixpack?


READER JEREMY WRITES:"But wait... there's more..."
"Michael Ignatieff is on a tour right now called the 'Working Families' tour. Aside from the fact that every single event takes place between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM, the very time that most 'working families' are, well - working, they are also having a reception tonight in St. Johns.".

"As you can see it is open to Laurier Club members only. To be a Laurier Club member, all you need to do is donate $1100 / year to the Liberal Party of Canada (only $550 if you're under 35!)"

"I wonder how many 'working families' can afford, in the middle of a recession, to hand over $1100 (per person) to the Liberal Party of Canada? To meet Sir Michael Ignatieff himself?"