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21 February 2011

You really wanna see the Pyramids, huh?

Just remember... as wonderful as it is, to perhaps see the ass-end of this particular Oligarchy... democracy may not be the only thing they're thirsting for...
"More details have emerged of Lara Logan's terrifying ordeal at the hands of a frenzied mob." --
And hey... you've got daughters thinking of taking time off school to see the world... you might wanna stop reading right here.
According to one source, reported in The Sunday Times newspaper, "sensitive parts" of her body were covered in red marks that were originally thought to have been bite marks.

It has also been revealed that she was stripped, punched and slapped by the crowd, which was labelling her a spy and chanting 'Israeli' and 'Jew' as they beat her.

And medical sources have revealed that marks on her body were consistent with being whipped and beaten with the makeshift poles that were used to fly flags during the demonstration.
Something to keep in mind the next time the McGuinty government decides to re-open that whole shariah law thing...
-- Toronto -- Seeking to end months of debate, Premier Dalton McGuinty now says "there will be no sharia law in Ontario" -- an announcement that should quell a growing public-relations crisis concerning the use of Islamic law.

Following widespread condemnation of a plan that would formally allow the tenets of sharia to be used in resolving family disputes, the Premier said he'll make the boundaries between church and state clearer by banning faith-based arbitrations.
Yup, just like Premier McSlippery's plan to improve education... it was that close...
"Within days, if not hours, Liberal MPPs had constituents calling their offices to complain that the province wanted to explain anal sex to eight-year-olds."
Friends don't let friends vote Liberal.


UPDATE: Look who showed up yet again...'s the same despicable asshole who pissed all over a dead Canadian soldier's mother...
cynic the twit