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19 July 2010

Gotta have priorities I guess

So... how many billions of dollars is Dalton throwing at solar panels and giant fans?
For the second year running, more than a third of Ontario hospitals are bleeding red ink, amounting to a $107 million shortfall.

There is concern that while the number of cash-strapped hospitals remained steady, it may be a different story in 2011 due to shrinking provincial funds.

Ontario hospitals received a 2.1 per cent increase to their base funding from the government in 2009-10 — less than inflation. This year, it will only be 1.5 per cent.

Ontario hospitals are forbidden by law from running deficits.
Just something to think about... the next time you're caught sitting in your local emergency room for six hours.


"Premier Dalton McGuinty is defending an untendered, $81-million contract for an energy centre built to power a casino in Windsor."
Don't even get me started on the one billion dollars in hospital construction cost over-runs.