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19 July 2010

Oh, c'mon Mikey...

...I could probably write a book about all the stuff you'd "support"... if you thought it would get you elected Prime Minister...
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff says he'd support a pardon for Riel if it would start healing Canada's relationship with the Metis.

"The execution of Louis Riel shouldn't have happened," Ignatieff said, calling it "probably the most painful thing in our history."

More painful than the 60,000 Canadian lives lost in World War I... or any of the other wars... WWII, Korea, Afghanistan... subsequent to that?

Isn't Iggy supposed to be "the smart one"?
The victory at Passchendaele Ridge in the autumn of 1917 alone cost 16,000 Canadian casualties.
Call me wacky... but, maybe somebody who took a three-plus decade vacation from the country... shouldn't be lecturing Canadians about their pain.


UPDATE: The moon, the stars...
-- OSLER, Sask. -- Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff toured flooded Saskatchewan farmland Sunday and said a Liberal government would rebuild the crop insurance system.
Promises, promises... the fiberal floodtide begins.