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17 September 2009

Count Ignatieff suddenly discovers...

...deep emotional bond with his aboriginal brothers... demands apology...
The Liberal Leader accused the government of being insensitive, saying its message is simple: “We expect aboriginal Canadians to die.”
So some civil servant in the Ministry of Health... likely following some protocol conjured up at a weekend conference on Disaster Planning... ships this stuff out... and suddenly we're talkin' Treblinka?

And hey... don't you nasty evil Neocons be trottin' out any of those pesky numbers to confuse the situation.

C'mon Iggy... make up your mind. Are the Conservatives doing too much... or not enough? 'Cos it seems you change your mind every couple of days.

Or are you just lookin' to change the channel on all those polls?


* Pronunciation: \ˌpre-pə-ˈrā-shən\
* Function: noun

1 : the action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty
2 : a state of being prepared : readiness
3 : a preparatory act or measure

RELATED: Uh, Iggy... you forgetting something?
"It is not like they asked for a kit with masks and lotion, and received body bags instead. The body bags are a part of the kit."

"This is a pandemic-containment measure. The pandemic containment strategy goes from the most minute (hand lotion) to the most extreme (death – containment of infected deceased)."

UPDATE: Yeah, yeah... it's a cultural thing

So now some guy at Health Canada says... no, this wasn't about swine flu... just restocking the supplies at the Rez... but even that's not gonna fly...
In many First Nations cultures, to prepare for death is to invite death. Late yesterday, several chiefs returned over a dozen of the post-mortem kits to Health Canada in symbolic protest.
Are you shittin' me?

Doesn't this also mean that to prepare for sickness (which is what all these aboriginal communities have been screaming there isn't enough of lately)... is to invite sickness?

C'mon now, let's all say it together... because, as as we all know... living on an aboriginal reservation is all about the sanctity of life.


LAST WORD: Taliban Jack... late to the party
NDP Leader Jack Layton pressed ahead, suggesting the government wanted to bury aboriginals rather than come up with a plan to prevent the swine flu from striking them.

“The government is ready to bury the dead of First Nations communities, but is not ready to confront the crisis.”
Oh Jacko... listen to yourself.
