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17 September 2009

And they said Billy was...

...the crazy one...
"Unlike previous Democrat efforts to implement socialized medicine, if you oppose Barack Obama's form of National Socialized Democrat health care, you're a Nazi racist bastard."
Of course...
The most powerful man in the world is a "victim".

RELATED: I'm sure Mrs President McDreamy...

...and her magic biceps will get the job done...
President Obama says he will not be there because of the health care debate in Washington. Instead, he is sending Chicago-native, first lady Michelle Obama to Denmark.

Mr. Obama said he is sending - in his words - a "more compelling superstar" to make America's case in Copenhagen.

The first lady offered a preview, talking about the city where she was born and raised. "What makes Chicago such a great host is its people! It is truly the people! Nobody loves sports like the people of Chicago."
That's it? Seriously?

I wonder if he really meant he was sending one of the kids?
