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05 May 2008

There will be more people killed...

In traffic accidents this Victoria Day weekend... than have died after being tasered in Canada over the last five years...
Mr. Kosteckyj said Ms. Cisowski firmly believes that if police hadn't used the taser on her son that night he would still be alive.
What Mr. Kosteckyj fails to mention... is that this guy wouldn't have been tasered at all if he hadn't been wandering aimlessly in a daze for hours, before finally going apeshit and throwing furniture and computers around in a very public venue.

It's a tragedy... but it's a tragedy of his own making.

If your kid... and Robert Dziekanski was what, 40 - 50 years old... had, what these days is delicately referred to, as, "mental health issues", wouldn't you have made special arrangements, maybe had someone walk him off the plane?

And I wouldn't have cared what some ticket agent told me... I would have found out, if he wasn't there to meet me... one, was he even on the flight... and two, where did he go from there?

None of those things happened.

In this world... the real world... actions, and inaction, have consequences.

If there is a God... and so far I remain unconvinced of that... I want him to save us from the demented left.


RELATED: Yup. Sure. Deadly.

As one British writer put it... "More people have been strangled by their own pants."


UPDATE: Oh, boy... another link from Canadian Cynic

Well... let me just return the favour.


"or hey... crabby... i could really get into this game... 'if dziekanski had picked up a small child and was gonna toss him out a window... would it be okay to use a taser then'?"