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05 May 2008

Another Goosestep too far...

by Blazingcatfur
May 05 2008
12:40 PM Dear Robert McClelland please refrain from posting "F%ck the Jews" on your blog.
Thank you.

by Robert McClelland
May 05 2008
1:15 PM Should I instead post it on someone else's blog like you just did, Blazing Cat Piss?

by Blazingcatfur
May 05 2008
1:26 PM Thank you Robert for that shining example of typical leftist thought in Canada.
Oh, Robert... not again.

How does that old saw go?
"If more than three people in your life are utter, total assholes, then maybe it is you."


Robert points out that he did apologise for his original offence way back when.

That deserves... despite his incautious retort above... to be stated.
