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07 April 2008

"Totally unacceptable"

Cries loser left... "Without this argle-bargle, we'll actually have to come up with some coherent policy..."

Meanwhile, the Conservative Party tries to get on with the business of governing the country.
In his first comment on the matter, Mr. Harper acknowledged Monday that Tom Lukiwski's remarks were “completely unacceptable.”

But, he told the House of Commons that since the Regina MP has sincerely apologized, the matter is closed.

“He has given an unqualified apology — clear, heart-felt remorse for these actions . . . I believe when such apology and remorse is sought from an individual member, the generous and high-minded thing to do is to accept that apology.”

A little history on the knuckledraggin' Liberals, 10 years AFTER the party tape was made:

June 8, 1999 (Canada) - The federal government votes 216 to 55 in favour of preserving the definition of "marriage" as the union of one man and one woman. (that's a huge majority against SSM)

Also in March 2000, (Liberal) Justice Minister Anne McLellan anounces that Bill C-23 will include a definition of marriage as "the lawful union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others."

On April 11 the bill passes with a vote of 174 to 72...

The SSM bill passed by only about 20 votes in 2005.

LAST WORD: What would the NDP say?
"Back in 1988, when the Sun's Paul Jackson was at the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, he broke a startling story that showed Tommy Douglas, now revered by the CBC as "the greatest Canadian of all time," eagerly recommending the ***"CASTRATION OF HOMOSEXUALS"*** and chronic criminals."