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07 April 2008

Those innocent women & children...

Sure put up one helluva fight.
-- KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- U.S. and Afghan forces attacked a remote village in a mountainous region of northeastern Afghanistan following reports that an infamous insurgent leader was in the area, a governor said Monday. At least 16 people were killed.

Gov. Tamim Nuristani said U.S.-led coalition and Afghan forces believed Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was meeting with top deputy Kashmir Khan in the Dohabi district of Nuristan province on Sunday, sparking a fierce bombardment that included airstrikes.
Gotta hand it to these guys... they've learned exactly what to feed the gullible leftbot media...
The chief of Nuristan's provincial council, Rahmatullah Rashid, said 19 people were killed in the battle — all civilians. He said six children, five women and eight men were killed in the attack.

He said he didn't have a report of how many militants were killed.
Yeah... funny how that works.
