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07 April 2008

The Toronto 'Red' Star, as always...

Asks the most important question...
"And what was the happy-go-lucky young man who spent most of his time in college, with family or at his part-time job doing there in the first place?"
Now, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but what about...
Throwing down flaming shooters... and stuffing five dollar bills into somebody's G-string?
Now, before "the usual leftbots" get their panties in a knot, let me be perfectly clear.

Nobody "deserves" to get murdered... but if you choose to head for the local strip joint... be aware that you are... in effect... raising the odds of encountering some sort of personal mayhem.

As this "happy-go-lucky" but unfortunate young man just found out.


UPDATE: Welcome... acolytes of uber-troll StoogeLeftOl' Stooge (speaking of the "the usual leftbots") claims I'm blaming the victim. I think he's still a little sore from the last time we crossed swords... where he equated the torture-murder of a 20 year-old American soldier with those oh-so horrid living conditions of the terrorists held at Gitmo.

I know you hear it all the time Stooge, but... "RUN FORREST RUN!!!"

Maybe you wanna try actually making an argument next time? Or is that expecting too much from the whiny, drive-by left?

PS - Guess what Stooge, looks like somebody WAS blaming THE VICTIM
Brampton, Ont. - Revenge may have been the motive for the beating death of a young Brampton man over the weekend.

The 19-year-old, who was found in the parking lot of a Mississauga strip club on Saturday, had previously been charged with sexually assaulting a female friend last summer.

The Toronto Sun reported the suspect, who's being held on a first-degree murder charge, was the older brother of the woman who was attacked.
Uh, Stoogie... make sure you and Steffi save some of your fuzzy-bunny sympathy for this guy.


RELATED: A sad story, but puh-leese...

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
"Now Deborah Chevalier and Mohamad "John" Kajouji are left alone in their Brampton house, facing the heart-breaking realization that the only child they share is never coming home."

"And they place the blame squarely on the school they had entrusted with her care."