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05 September 2007

Sorry Mr Tory... I can't get behind this

Maybe there's some secret polling that's telling the provincial Conservatives this will bring in more votes than it'll lose... but teaching creationism on the public dime is a deal-breaker for me.
-- TORONTO -- Publicly-funded religious schools would be allowed to teach creationism and other theories, says Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory.
Don't get me wrong, I like the spirit behind the Ten Commandments.

You know what I mean... easy on the killing, thievin' and wife stealing... but religion shouldn't be part of the publicly funded school system. And that's totally apart from the fact that we just can't afford to do it.

And yeah, funding the Catholic system (and I say this as an ex-Catholic) might have been a political necessity a hundred-odd years ago... but it has definitely been overtaken, as they say, by historical events.

I think this one's gonna leave a mark.


UPDATE: Quick... hit spin cycle
-- THORNHILL, ONT. -- Christian private schools should be allowed to teach creationism if they receive public funding, Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory said yesterday.

But six hours later, he went into damage-control mode, saying creationism should be explored only in religion class and not elsewhere in the curriculum, such as in science class.
And enough with the freakin' basketball... it's a game fellas, not a miracle cure.
"I also want to see a day when these kids from the faith-based schools are playing basketball with the kids in the public school," he said at the Kamin Education Centre, a private Jewish school.

"And I ask this question of people, do they think if it's a good thing for kids to play basketball with each other..."

RELATED: Mick McGuinty has his own solution
The position he is attempting to defend is that public funding should be available to schools professing the Catholic faith, and no other.

What's next: we can teach that the Earth is flat in geography, or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in history, because some people believe this?

Its dumb. It never should have seen the light of day, and as someone has said, it seems that John Tory has hired Paul Martin's election team.

LAST WORD: Welcome, friends of Canadian Cynic

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You can have his pornography... when you pry it from his cold dead laptop.

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