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05 September 2007

Believe it or not...

The guy who very publicly crapped all over the mother of a dead Canadian soldier... is now crying foul...

Remember Canadian Cynic's message to Wanda Watkins, whose son Lane was killed in Afghanistan?
"With all due respect, Wanda, fuck you and your grief. It's not the job of the rest of Canada to continue to let its soldiers die just so you can sleep better at night."
It seems CC can dish it out... he's just not so good at "taking it." Apparently he's gone as far as to sic the cops on another blogger who has threatened to "out" his despicable ass.
Dear Canadian Cynic... You can rest assured that, when I ascertain your true identity (and I will), I will publish it here on the Nexus. Then I'll mail copies of your comments to your friends and family.

Let's face it, Cynic, it isn't a beating you're afraid of. It's having to face your loved ones, with them knowing everything you've spouted from that trash heap you facetiously refer to as your blog, that you should really be afraid of.
Poor little CC.

Hey, trashboy.. I feel your pain.


He (Canadian Cynic) wants Stephen Taylor to kick any BT who advocates for identifying anonymous writers off the blogroll.

I can't help but think that's a double standard.

Shouldn't cc afford other bloggers the same freedom of speech he has been using to offend so many people?
CC apparently just doesn't get it.

The primary issue here isn't anonymity... it's about a nasty little piece of shite, finally getting the grief that he deserves.


Also from the comments... the curiously mislabeled "Red Tory" wants to climb into bed with the guy who spat in Wanda Watkins face.
"The fact that most of you don’t have a fraction of the wit, acumen and political savvy that CC has, explains volumes about the tiresome moping of this dreary circle jerk."

Posted by Red Tory to halls of macadamia at 7:54 AM, September 06, 2007
That's Red Tory's true colours.


Of course, the day just wouldn't be complete without CC's inarticulate little brother once again dropping in offering homoerotic e-sex...
Ti-Guy said...

"Suck it hard, stalker."

Posted by Ti-Guy to halls of macadamia at 9:02 PM, September 06, 2007
Hey Ti-Guy, just ask CC if you can borrow his porn.


UPDATE: I see from sitemeter that I'm getting all kinds of traffic from "Red Tory"... who has launched a stinging attack, not on me personally... but on, wait for it... macadamia nuts.
"While we’re on the subject of spiny-serrated, woody, globose follicles, did you know that another name for macadamia nuts is “bush nuts.” It’s true! Kind of funny that. And here’s some other nutty factoids of note… Most of the genus consists of nuts that are poisonous or completely inedible."
Not sure whether I'm supposed to be wounded... or outraged... on behalf of these tasty little treats.

It's a fact... somebody around here's a little nuts.


LAST WORD: Don't miss Round Three

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