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03 August 2020

Paging "Dr Affirmative Action"

Hmmm... anyone else notice these new, "professional attributes" have absolutely no objective metric...insert alt text hereWhy should people who are ambitious, crazy smart and study like monastic hermits get all the rewards? Let's promote people because... ancestry & epidermis!

Hey it works for the Royal Family...
"Attributes such as empathy, collaboration, resiliency and advocacy are now scored along with academic smarts at some medical schools, while all of them have created a range of admission processes for Indigenous students as well."
Yes, let's redress that injustice! Ah... big smile, confident handshake... 50 points!
"We have to put forward firm and contrived changes now and not apologize for them."
Commercial flight schools take note!

There are, of course, some lesser-known, persistent racial anomalies in the medical system...
"Reminds me of a story I heard from my Toronto ALS Medic buddy. He's at Sunnybrook Hospital Trauma Unit after serving up yet another bullet-riddled gangbanger and a young nurse, obviously not long in the trenches, asks him, 'Where do you take all the white people who get shot?'"