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03 August 2020

Here's what Non-Junkies don't get... matter what you do, it'll NEVER, EVER come close to being enough...
In the morning, David Keeler starts off with a dose of methadone dispensed by a pharmacist. A few hours later, he swallows 28 prescription pills of government-supplied hydromorphone, a synthetic opioid prescribed by a doctor.

By late afternoon, the 44-year-old Victoria man is turning to his own stash of drugs he bought from a dealer.
So where does Keeler get money for smack?

From you, stupid!...
Some days, Keeler doesn't even take the hydromorphone, which is why a stockpile is building up in the supportive housing unit he lives in. "Maybe more than half of the people that I know that are on these are looking to sell them."

He would like to be prescribed heroin. "Give people what they need, because if they don't get what they need they are going to go after it."
Translation: I'll commit crimes to get my junk.

The province was unable to provide data for how many people who signed up for the program are still on it.