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31 May 2019

Would the last Trooper leaving Britain...

...please remember to bring the Union Jack...insert alt text here
Soldiers describing themselves as “patriots” or using words such as “Islamofascism” or “traitors” could be a sign they are right-wing extremists, according to a leaked document from the British army.

Another leak revealing top brass’s disciplinary priorities came in August last year, where army officers allegedly threatened administrative action against any soldier who “demonstrated negative opinions” about the army’s politically-correct recruitment videos.

RELATED: But he's really, really sorry now...insert alt text here
I beheaded one of them … I regret it. We loved ISIS and we prayed to God for it,” fanatic Abdessamad Ejjoud, 25, admitted in court, according to AFP.

The women — both outdoors enthusiasts — were enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime trip when they were slaughtered.

LAST WORD: Because the Koran told me so...
"Ironically, getting arrested may actually prove to be a blessing for this doctor as he is safer in police custody while wild-eyed thugs pillage Pakistan’s streets baying for his blood."

30 May 2019

More basketball courts... that's the ticket

And the sooner we take all those nasty guns away from farmers, hunters and skeet shooters, the safer we'll... sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
"Following the Toronto Raptors game on Saturday May 25th, 2019 at approximately 11:20 pm, several men jumped on the top of a Toronto Police Car with an officer in the car in the Yonge Street and Dundas Street area. The officer attempted to arrest one of the suspects when the crowd encroached on him and one of the suspects threatened to kill the officer."
When the cops have to "laager up" at one of the busiest intersections in the city... you're in serious trouble.


UPDATE: One bagged... six to go...
Yoel Martinez-Hernandez, 19, was the first arrest to be made in the case.

RELATED: A game to die for...
"A fatal stabbing occurred as a group of friends took over a Hamilton street to celebrate the Raptors win in Game 1 of the NBA Finals."

Hamilton police have arrested Dylon Moniz Duarte for the murder of Tyquan Brown in the city’s fifth homicide of the year.

LAST WORD: The usual, well... you know...
"One man is in custody after five shots were fired at another man in the area of Roncesvalles Avenue and Queen Street West on May 30, 2019. Alec Subero, 19, from Toronto, is facing seven charges that include attempted murder and failing to comply with recognizance."
Get out while you can.

His basic dictatorship... running right on schedule...insert alt text here
OTTAWA — Canada’s backlog of asylum claims will likely reach 100,000 by the end of 2021 before stabilizing, up from 75,000 today, the chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board told a parliamentary committee on Tuesday.

The board’s goal now is to manage the growth of the backlog rather than to reduce it, Richard Wex told the committee.
Because, I guess... reducing it would be bad?


RELATED: Hang on, let's do the math...
"Costs per migrant are also expected to go up as the years go on, hitting an average of $16,666 per migrant for those that arrive in the year 2019."
That's 1.7 billion dollars.

I can't even get a family doctor.

29 May 2019

Harjit Sajjan is "feelin' groovy"...

...and, apparently... invulnerable...
OTTAWA — Vice-Admiral Mark Norman and defence chief Gen. Jonathan Vance are being given “their privacy and their space,” Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan insisted Wednesday as he was grilled over why Norman has not yet been reinstated into the military.
Sadly, it appears somebody is about to harsh his mellow...
Adding to the drama, the Senate’s defence committee voted on Tuesday night to launch an inquiry into why the charge against Norman was laid and subsequently stayed, with invitations planned for Norman, Vance, Sajjan and others.
RELATED:   Remember "Feldmarschall" Harjit Sajjan?

In it's never-ending campaign to celebrate anything remotely multicultural, CBC confuses "Badass" with bad liar...insert alt text here Yeah... that guy.

LAST WORD:   Libranos feeling the heat
"There is enough evidence against SNC-Lavalin for the engineering corporation to be tried on fraud and bribery charges, a Quebec court judge ruled Wednesday."

You don't solve drunk driving... banning automobiles...most wanted
"Canada’s firearms legislation must protect society from the criminal misuse of firearms and prioritize the deterrence and punishment of criminals. Legal firearms owners deserve a legal framework that protects their property rights and treats them with fairness and respect."

22-year-old Idres Ismail was wanted for the second-degree murder of Mouhamed Serhan, 24, outside an apartment complex in the city's Heatherington area. Ismail turned himself in Tuesday afternoon, Ottawa police said.

Serhan was the brother of Hamzeh Serhan, who was shot and killed in September 2017.
What new law or prohibition will suddenly stop Idres and his ilk from murdering people?

Was the old homicide law not specific enough?

28 May 2019

And, obviously, it also makes you...

...smarter and better looking...insert alt text here
"Still, even with all those caveats, it’s nice to see some strides being taken when it comes to menstrual pain. Here’s hoping CBD will be coming to a vagina near you soon."

RELATED: As usual, the real gold... in the comments...insert alt text here
"They could tattoo the 400 page Mueller report on that backside."

Justin Trudeau's "post national" state... ain't all fairy dust & candied unicorn farts...insert alt text here
"Organizers of peaceful, lawful public events – such as Ribfest, the Walk with Israel, and the Roncesvalles Polish Festival – all pay their own fees. But hatemongers seemingly get a free pass from the city."

Ask the CBC

He's not an Islamic terrorist... he's an "Algerian computer student"...insert alt text here
"Police decided not to arrest him at his apartment, the source said, for fear that there could still be some triacetone triperoxide (TATP), the powerful but unstable homemade explosive that was used in the attack."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
"The Seine-Saint-Denis area, which constitutes a number of suburbs north of Paris, has become well-known for violence, crime, and the burning of cars on New Year’s Eve and Bastille Day every year."

27 May 2019

Not for the...

...faint of heart...
Under this scenario, people granted an assisted death would, with their full knowledge and consent, be transported to an operating room, put to sleep under general anaesthesia and their organs removed, including the heart and lungs. Death would follow removal of the beating heart.

RELATED: The court steps in...
“Given the importance of family physicians as ‘gatekeepers’ and ‘patient navigators’ in the health care system, there is compelling evidence that patients will suffer harm in the absence of an effective referral.”

I guess she had a bellyfull of...

...his "basic dictatorship"...insert alt text here
OTTAWA — Former justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould says she will run again for Parliament as an independent. Wilson-Raybould is the independent MP for the B.C. riding of Vancouver Granville.
Jane Philpott says #MeToo.

Go to Africa & save lives...

...I dare you...insert alt text here
In the meantime, the deaths continue. Since the outbreak started, "the cumulative number of cases is 1,912, 1,818 confirmed and 94 probable," the health ministry said Friday.

Best & Brightest...

...that's who we choose to lead us... right?insert alt text here
NEW DELHI (AFP) - More than 40 per cent of lawmakers in India's new Parliament face criminal charges - some as serious as murder and rape - and the list is growing, an electoral reform group said on Saturday (May 25).

One Member of Parliament for the opposition Congress party is battling 204 cases, including manslaughter and robbery, the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) said.
And then there's this guy.

25 May 2019

Your money... his friends...

If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu...insert alt text here
The combined costs to process the aspiring refugees crossing illegally into Canada via Roxham Road and elsewhere over a three year period will exceed $1.1 billion next year, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

Costs per migrant are also expected to go up as the years go on, hitting an average of $16,666 per migrant for those that arrive in the year 2019.
It's a Justin thing... you wouldn't understand.


RELATED: Yes, Jussie... diversity is our streng...insert alt text here...sweet baby jebus...
"His warning comes as it was reported on Wednesday that a charity recommended children be taught grime rap and hip-hop in schools instead of classical music such as Mozart — to be more “relevant” to young people’s tastes and prevent school exclusions, somehow."

24 May 2019

Vladimir Obama...

...and the war on free speech...insert alt text here
"If we are going to criticize attacks on journalism, then let’s be clear on the identities of the most malevolent actors in that war. Let’s also be clear on which DoJ took redaction responsibilities seriously and which abused that power to hide its own wrongdoing."
Contrast that with the kinder, gentler Trudeau solution...insert alt text here
"If the Heritage Minister had explicitly set out to bolster the notion that Canadian media are bought and paid for by the Liberals, he could have done no better."

RELATED: "Haven't you just walked into that trap?"
"Mr. Rodriguez, have you not seen the publicity that Unifor is putting out calling themselves 'the resistance' and saying, 'Welcome to Andrew Scheer's worst nightmare.' Have you not seen that?"
By the way, that was someone on CBC Radio... I almost swallowed my tongue in shock. Perhaps not everyone in the media is for sale.

23 May 2019

It makes my oppressor ass tired...

...please, please, please... just stop...insert alt text here
Instead of being treated as individuals, people are treated according to the racial, gender, sexual preference, and ethnic categories that they belong to.

Instead of being judged on their individual characteristics, people are judged according to whether they belong to “oppressor” or “victim” census categories.

LAST WORD: Idea for a new reality tv show...

...the Real Pastors of Black America...insert alt text here

Why help crazy, suicidal people...

...take the big jump...
“Two months ago we decided to install blue lighting in the men’s bathroom at my King and Dufferin location. Since the installation, we have seen a significant decline in the number of EMS calls at this restaurant.”

The dim lights make it difficult for intravenous drug users to find a vein.
Of course, bringing them back from the brink, again & again... that seems pretty cruel too.

Don't get me started on the societal costs.


RELATED: Drugs, the victimless crime...
He’s being held at the regional justice center on a combined $110,000 bail.

22 May 2019

More incomprehensible argle-bargle...

...from the My Little Pony fart-catcher who shat on Vice-Admiral Mark Norman...insert alt text here
At National Defence headquarters, The Canadian Press report has caused some confusion. Public affairs staff are trying to track down exactly what Vance might have said and at this point can’t add any more details to the brief statement.
What exactly is the deal with Jonathan Vance's "Secret Garden?"insert alt text here
"Canada’s Afghan war memorial was dedicated in secrecy this week, and families of the fallen weren't invited."
Gotta keep the boss happy... right?


UPDATE: More flippety-flop from Jonathon Wince

You get to grieve when I say so...
A system of escorted visits for family members will be established, Vance said, adding several families have already expressed interest. Whether that would include members of the general public is not clear at the moment.

The capricious & unknowable "Will of..."

...well... you know...insert alt text hereDear Theresa May... winter is indeed freakin' coming...
"'And when the sacred months have passed,' it reads, 'then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and beseige them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush'."

ISIS has released three new posters inciting lone wolf attacks on London and New York. One poster depicts a suicide bomber standing in front of a burning Big Ben and is captioned with the warning: 'London attacks coming soon'.

Another shows a masked terrorist wielding a knife above New York city and a rallying call for lone extremists to 'fight them in your country'.

Both posters use 'Just Terror' as a tagline.
Just another story you're not gonna see on the CBC.


RELATED: Think it couldn't happen here?

THINK AGAIN...insert alt text here
An alarming number of “moderates” think “suicide bombing is sometimes or often justified.”

With young American Muslims, it’s one in four.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
"After repeated questions to PM Justin Trudeau and his Public Safety Minister, Ralph Goodale confirms there are at least 60 former ISIS fighters being watched."
Even Justin's new pal, former "hostage" Joshua Boyle, turned out to have a few skeletons in his domestic closet.

From the folks who brought you...

...the $2,000,000,000 Phoenix Payroll Program boondoggle...insert alt text here
The study, published by researchers from the University of Toronto, determined 46 per cent of households in Nunavut were experiencing food insecurity in 2016, up from 33.1 per cent in 2011, when Nutrition North was introduced.

Nutrition North is a federal government subsidy program provided to retailers and suppliers that offsets the cost of a variety of perishable and nutritious food items shipped to the North by air.
Put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert... and in five years there'll be a shortage of sand.


RELATED: More nerve than Dick Tracy...

...and right on the heels of the Admiral Norman debacle.


LAST WORD: Meanwhile south of the border...
Ocasio-Cortez then said that growing cauliflower in community gardens represents a “colonial approach,” turning off people of color from embracing environmentalism.
Yeah... not crazy at all.

21 May 2019

Let's blame Stephen Harper

I remember when the Liberals were gonna revamp the electoral system...insert alt text here
The Liberals’ “merit-based” process for appointments has screened out 61.8 per cent of visible-minority candidates as insufficiently qualified, compared to 37.6 per cent of applicants who are not visible minorities.

Visible-minority applicants who made it past that cut and into job competitions were less likely to be recommended or appointed.
Bear in mind, this is Jussie Trudeau's "new and improved" process.


RELATED: Bailing out those dumbass Canadians...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told hundreds of attendees at a conference in Toronto on Monday that Canada’s thriving technology sector is a result of the country’s openness to immigrants.
So, why exactly do we need this new Librano hiring quota initiative?


LAST WORD: Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
The 43-year-old victim, Valland Spolarich, of Toronto was found in an upstairs apartment inside the home. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Herculano Pimentel is facing a charge of second-degree murder and is expected to appear in court on Wednesday.

This is the city’s 25th homicide of the year.

From the wacky folks...

...who brought you... "Carbon Dioxide is a Life-Altering Bio Weapon"...insert alt text here
"He describes a key plot point: “Donald Trump gets in a fight with Putin over who has the biggest penis, and he pushes a button that starts World War III."

20 May 2019

On the plus side, it makes you...

...smarter and better looking...insert alt text here
Growing a kilogram of Trudope injects a staggering 4600 kg of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

RELATED: Smell the "Social Justice"...insert alt text here
If the goal of the Trudeau government’s Dimensions program is “to foster increased research excellence, innovation and creativity,” is the best means really to pick people by their reproductive plumbing, skin colour, sexual preference, religion, and ethnicity?
The good news is, there's growing equity in the hood.

19 May 2019

I'm so old, I remember the...

..."True North, Strong and Free"...insert alt text here
How do you get a gun licence?

1. Take mandatory RCMP-approved safety course.
2. Pass written exam.
3. Pass practical exam.
4. Submit licence application and payment to RCMP.
5. Pass background check (including mental health, spouse) and reference checks.
6. Obtain licence card with photo.

7. Pass 'DAILY' RCMP background check.
If you want to hunt, you need training for an additional license.

If you want a handgun, that's a whole other qualification process, including months of instruction & observation at a licensed gun range.

From the folks who brought you "carding known criminals" is unfair.


RELATED: No Gun, No Probleminsert alt text hereLondon? Where the Queen lives? what the hell is going... sweet baby jebus...
"Figures reported in April showed that 73 per cent of offenders and 53 percent of victims of knife crime were of a black or minority ethnic (BAME) background, and that two-thirds of all knife crime in London was carried out by people under 25."

"The highest number of stabbings occurred in the multicultural capital of London."
If only there was a law.

18 May 2019

Wouldn't want to upset his base...

...with an election in the offing...
"Canada’s Afghan war memorial was dedicated in secrecy this week, and families of the fallen weren't invited."
War? What war?

Where's the respect you ask? How about right here.


RELATED: Liberals promote Orwellian Star Chamber... control what Canadians are thinking...
The proposed administrative judicial system could issue tickets or warnings, the same way it happens “if you’re drunk in the street and disorderly,” said Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith.

However, critics warned that any such system could simply become a mechanism for people to shut down views with which they don’t agree.

LAST WORD: The Victimhood Industry ramps up...

...yet again...insert alt text here
When the mother, her lawyer and supporters met staff again last week, they had three demands: The boy must be expelled; Sirois must be fired, and SOME MONEY, PLEASE, for pain and hurt.

It is good, I suppose, they aren’t literally asking for blood, because how would the board meet that demand, and you know it would want to try.

As Jussie & Redact-it Ralph...

...continue to hunt for Nazis & White Supremacists...
As of May 13, the most recent available numbers, there have been 129 shootings in the city this year, according to publicly available Toronto police data.
most wanted
Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders stressed that the proliferation of shootings in the city should be defined as street gang violence, not the anonymous 'gun violence.'

"The vast majority of shootings are associated with the roughly 725 known gang members and affiliates in the city."

RELATED: Diversity is our streng... sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has said the case did not present a “national security” issue and was a matter for local police. But CTV News Toronto and Newstalk 1010 reported Friday investigators came across a sea of red flags concerning Mahyar being on the “cusp of radicalization.

A police source tells me Mayhar Mohammadiasl’s cellphone and computers are being analyzed with help from the FBI.

17 May 2019

Setting a bright, shining example...

...for the rest of the world...insert alt text here
The elections were referred to as "the most rigged ever" by Francis Johnson-Morris, a modern head of the country's National Elections Commission, and also made it into the Guinness Book of Records as the most fraudulent election ever reported in history, as despite there being fewer than 15,000 registered voters, King received around 243,000 votes, compared to 9,000 for Faulkner

"Free at last, free at last... thank gawd, I'm free at last!"

RELATED: Some places in the world...

...are more civilised than others...insert alt text here
More than 500 people have tested positive for HIV in southern Pakistan in an outbreak that local officials have blamed on Dr Muzaffar Ghangharo, a rogue paediatrician.

He is accused of infecting his patients through repeated use of a single, contaminated syringe and remains in custody since the outbreak was first reported in late April.

There were concerns that about 600,000 unqualified doctors are unlawfully operating in Pakistan, 270,000 of them in Sindh province where Larkana is located.

The Hero We Need

insert alt text here
In Boston, U.S. attorney John Durham faced a gigantic scandal that was very damaging to the FBI and did not blink. He got John Connelly, Whitey Bulger's protector, sentenced to 40 years in prison.

This does not sound like a prosecutor who can be persuaded to lay off getting to the truth in order to protect the reputations of important people and institutions.

RELATED: Let the under-bussing commence...
Senior FBI officials were concerned then director James Comey would appear to be blackmailing then President-elect Trump – using tactics notoriously associated with J.Edgar Hoover.

16 May 2019

King Joffrey Trudeau has clearly...

...picked a side...insert alt text here
"This prime minister gave $10.5 million to Omar Khadr, a convicted terrorist, so that he wouldn’t have to fight him in court,” Scheer said. “But when it comes to a decorated naval officer who has put his career making Canadians safe, this prime minister spared no expense fighting him in court."

"Why the double standard?"

RELATED: The Usual Suspects
Maliq Crush, 26, of Toronto, was arrested and is charged with:

1. Attempted Murder
2. Discharge Firearm with Intent
3. Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle
4. Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm
5. Careless Storage of a Firearm
6. Possession of a Prohibited Firearm
7. Possession of a Firearm Knowing Its Possession is Unauthorized
8. Tamper with Serial Number

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...insert alt text here
"From Katie Telford, Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Trudeau, suggesting that she could score Jody Wilson-Raybould positive “op eds” and positive coverage in newspapers if she complied with the PMO’s wishes on SNC-Lavalin, to Ralph Goodale, the Public Safety Minister, wishing to monitor and censor your social media, it is clear that the Trudeau government cannot be trusted with our media."
"Gee, the armband is nice, but it sends a pretty obscure message. I mean, wouldn’t a silhouette of
two whores leaning against the gatepost at 24 Sussex be less ambiguous?"

RELATED: Jagmeet's Brownshirts...

...and their lefty co-conspirators...

insert alt text hereThat's weird... there never used to be.

You know, like when sainted NDP icon Tommy Douglas' was espousing his "Sterilise & Gulag all the Tards" policies...
Biographies and other accounts of Mr. Douglas’s life have either ignored or down-played his striking embrace in the mid-1930s of forced sterilization and segregation for people of “sub-normal” intelligence and morality, says Dr. Michael Shevell in a newly published academic paper.

“We need to know as Canadians that our past isn’t just one long, unblemished record, and that we have gone down the wrong path on several occasions. We need to be aware of that so we don’t make these mistakes now or going forward,” the head of pediatrics at Montreal Children’s Hospital said in an interview.

No one from the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation, a think tank dedicated to promoting social democratic ideas like those of its namesake – was available for comment.
I bet.

nb. Ol' Randy is actually a Liberal MP... but you get the drift.

Pale, petite, pyjama-clad...

...and put down like a dog...

Affirmative action... still a few bugs in the system...insert alt text here
"Justine Damond called the police to report a possible assault down the alley behind her home. When she went out to meet the police car in her pajamas, officer Mohamed Noor reached over his partner and shot her dead."

RELATED: Sure... now you can't shut him up...
"Noor refused to talk to investigators after the July 2017 shooting."

Public-at-large anxiously awaits...

...London's new "Plastic Cutlery Ordinances"...insert alt text here
A leading surgeon has warned that the UK’s knife crime epidemic is having a “ripple effect” across the National Health Service (NHS), causing operations to be cancelled, delays in seeing patients and strains on ambulance services.

Lifting the lid on the impact of knife crime on the NHS to British newspaper the Daily Mail, the National Clinical Director for Trauma at NHS England, Professor Chris Moran, even said that police had even had to be called to monitor some hospital wards after armed gangs tried to attack patients they had previously injured.

He described them as trying to “finish the job” while the victims were in hospital.

In 2018, the head of the Police Federation said “we are moving into an area where some crimes will not be investigated, whereas two to five years ago they were… We can’t do everything – there are going to be situations where we simply can’t deliver the policing we want to deliver”.
Just one more destination struck off the vacation list.

15 May 2019

Explosives, detonators... no big deal... Justin's "post-national" state... reports national broadcaster and Liberal Party echo chamber...insert alt text hereI mean, it's not like these two explosives enthusiasts are "white supremacists"...
Police north of Toronto have charged a father and son after officers found explosive materials and a detonator device at a home in Richmond Hill, Ont. Reza Mohammadiasl, 47, and his son Mahyar, 18, were arrested on Monday and charged with one count each of possession of an explosive device.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said the arrests and charges are a local matter that concerns York police and there is no known connection to national security.
Oh boy... you can just smell the "professional journalism"...
In a news release on Tuesday, police said dangerous chemicals being stored in a home can pose serious risks, including fires and explosions. Hazardous materials should never be eaten, inhaled or consumed.
Alrighty... step one... store your bomb making materials in a safe place, and two... never, ever, ever eat them. Thanks CBC.


RELATED: Some animals are more equal than others...
"If this was Fred Smith, avid deer hunter & target shooter, CBC would be planning a four part Marketplace "Tools of Satan" extravaganza. They'd be following poor Freddie to the crapper."

LAST WORD: Ralphie's got bigger, paler fish to fry...insert alt text here
REGINA — Canada’s Minister for Public Safety Ralph Goodale says right-wing, white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups are an increasing concern and threat to Canadians.
"Redact-it Ralph" seems to be having some memory issues...insert alt text here
"After repeated questions to PM Justin Trudeau and his Public Safety Minister, Ralph Goodale confirms there are at least 60 former ISIS fighters being watched."

Remember, if you take registered guns...

...away from law-abiding owners... crime magically ceases to exist...insert alt text here
The presentation then stated: "If words aren’t changing anything, then what about these images?" CNN then cut to photos of children and mothers crying.

"Parents waiting to hear their child’s name called… or not," the graphic continued. "Children with their hands up… at school. Or clenched… to pray." "If this isn’t a crisis now… when will it be?" the graphic concluded. "ENOUGH."

Every statistic that Baldwin used in her presentation was deceptive or completely false.
Here's an actual fact...most wanted
"Gun-related murders are carried out [wait for it] by a predictable pool of people."

RELATED: You want my legally registered firearms?

GO FUCK YOURSELF... my guns have still killed fewer people than Michael Bryant's car...insert alt text here
On Wednesday, Toronto police issued warrants for Andrae Douse, 21, and Dayne Sitladeen, 27, both from Mississauga, and Michael Smith, 29, from Brampton. The three men are wanted for first-degree murder and are considered armed and dangerous.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
Mohamed Ali Nur, 18, along with 28-year-old twin brothers Shakiyl Shaw and Lenneil Shaw, have each plead not guilty to first-degree murder charges.
You wanna stop the killings... then stop the thugs pulling triggers. Throwing virgins into volcanoes just isn't gonna do it.