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21 May 2019

Let's blame Stephen Harper

I remember when the Liberals were gonna revamp the electoral system...insert alt text here
The Liberals’ “merit-based” process for appointments has screened out 61.8 per cent of visible-minority candidates as insufficiently qualified, compared to 37.6 per cent of applicants who are not visible minorities.

Visible-minority applicants who made it past that cut and into job competitions were less likely to be recommended or appointed.
Bear in mind, this is Jussie Trudeau's "new and improved" process.


RELATED: Bailing out those dumbass Canadians...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told hundreds of attendees at a conference in Toronto on Monday that Canada’s thriving technology sector is a result of the country’s openness to immigrants.
So, why exactly do we need this new Librano hiring quota initiative?


LAST WORD: Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
The 43-year-old victim, Valland Spolarich, of Toronto was found in an upstairs apartment inside the home. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Herculano Pimentel is facing a charge of second-degree murder and is expected to appear in court on Wednesday.

This is the city’s 25th homicide of the year.