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18 May 2019

As Jussie & Redact-it Ralph...

...continue to hunt for Nazis & White Supremacists...
As of May 13, the most recent available numbers, there have been 129 shootings in the city this year, according to publicly available Toronto police data.
most wanted
Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders stressed that the proliferation of shootings in the city should be defined as street gang violence, not the anonymous 'gun violence.'

"The vast majority of shootings are associated with the roughly 725 known gang members and affiliates in the city."

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Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has said the case did not present a “national security” issue and was a matter for local police. But CTV News Toronto and Newstalk 1010 reported Friday investigators came across a sea of red flags concerning Mahyar being on the “cusp of radicalization.

A police source tells me Mayhar Mohammadiasl’s cellphone and computers are being analyzed with help from the FBI.