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18 May 2019

Wouldn't want to upset his base...

...with an election in the offing...
"Canada’s Afghan war memorial was dedicated in secrecy this week, and families of the fallen weren't invited."
War? What war?

Where's the respect you ask? How about right here.


RELATED: Liberals promote Orwellian Star Chamber... control what Canadians are thinking...
The proposed administrative judicial system could issue tickets or warnings, the same way it happens “if you’re drunk in the street and disorderly,” said Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith.

However, critics warned that any such system could simply become a mechanism for people to shut down views with which they don’t agree.

LAST WORD: The Victimhood Industry ramps up...

...yet again...insert alt text here
When the mother, her lawyer and supporters met staff again last week, they had three demands: The boy must be expelled; Sirois must be fired, and SOME MONEY, PLEASE, for pain and hurt.

It is good, I suppose, they aren’t literally asking for blood, because how would the board meet that demand, and you know it would want to try.