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31 March 2019

Week 85 - Bill C16 Arrest Tally

...that'd be a Big Zero... again...

So... either this legislation was a piece of Liberal fluff designed to buy votes from the LGBTQWERTY community... or there is no such thing as "transphobia." I'm gonna go with both.

insert alt text hereAnd courtesy of SmallDeadAnimals...
"What's not to like about compelled speech?"

30 March 2019

♫ Found Out About You ♫

♫ "You're famous now and
...there's no doubt...
In all the places you hang out
They know your name and
they know what you're about
" ♫insert alt text hereLook, Chicky... no pressure, but...
”I just saw him a few hours ago and this is really important to him.”

RELATED: Canada's most senior Civil Servant...
“As you know, we have been pursuing these documents and emails and all sorts of correspondence,” Henein told the court.

Mr. Wernick has not produced a single note. We’re advised there’s no note, there’s no email, there’s no nothing."

"And then we get a 60-page memo that’s redacted.

RELATED2: Fox News picks up the story...
“I think he is going to find a way to get it done one way or another. He's in that kind of mood. I wanted you to be aware of that,” Wernick said.

Let them eat fentanyl...

...on the taxpayer dime...insert alt text here
"Correctional Service of Canada has now revealed that it is mulling over the installation of sanctioned areas inside of prisons, allowing opioid addicted inmates to 'safely' inject drugs."
This is what passes for "correctional" in King Joffrey's "post national" state.

29 March 2019

Well, thank goodness somebody did...

"I did not record the conversation. I did not wear a wire. I did not take notes and that is not my recollection of how the conversation flowed," Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick testified.
More about that here.

The usual, well... you know...

Toronto's infamous "cloak of invisibility shooter" is at it again...
"A shooting in Scarborough on Thursday night has sent a woman to a trauma centre with serious injuries. One suspect was seen fleeing the area after the incident but no further description was provided by investigators."

UPDATE: Please don't use the B word
The first man is described as having his hair in cornrows, wearing a sweater and track pants, and carrying a gun. The second was wearing blue shoes and the third had on a large chain.

Special laws for special people...

...against special people...insert alt text here
Quebec's secularism bill reflects the wishes of the Quebecois nation, the government said after introducing legislation Thursday prohibiting many public sector workers from wearing religious symbols and blocking their ability to challenge the bill over rights violations.

28 March 2019

The British government today announced...

...strict new "Grenade Control" legislation...insert alt text here
Despite sweeping gun control measures effectively banning private firearms ownership, a teenage boy has been shot dead in London, just minutes after a man in his thirties was stabbed in the head elsewhere in the increasingly crime-stricken British capital.
What on earth has happened to "jolly old England?"
One gang member told the Evening Standard how “In the last 10 years, since the Somalis and the Congolese came to London, they taught us a whole new level of violence.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
Metropolitan Police announced they had uncovered a formidable arsenal of firearms and explosives including “three AK-47 assault rifles, one sub-machine gun, two shotguns, one revolver, one self-loading pistol, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and 22 grenades” while raiding an industrial estate.

He should stick to dressing up...

...and play-acting...insert alt text here
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is apologizing for his “smug” response to aboriginal protesters who hoped to draw his attention to mercury contamination in First Nation communities during a Liberal fundraiser in Toronto on Wednesday night.
Whoa, mercury contamination... that's a life-threatening deal. And how did Pierre-lite respond?
According to a video posted to Twitter that showed Trudeau delivering a speech during the Laurier Club event at the luxury Omni King Edward Hotel, Trudeau responded to protesters by saying repeatedly, “Thank you for your donation.”

Laurier Club members are considered high-end Liberal donors who must contribute a minimum of $1,500 in order to join the ranks.

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...insert alt text here
WASHINGTON – Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Calif.) warned young people that “fossil fuels will kill us” if the U.S. doesn’t switch to renewable energy.

Schwarzenegger traveled to the event at the National Press Club in a GM Suburban SUV.
I thought Arnold had a pair of matching Hummers.

UPDATE: It gets better... Arnold is a collector.

Of course, there are worse things than knucklehead hypocrisy...
Former vice president and likely 2020 Democrat presidential candidate, Joe Biden, attacked the United States’ “white man’s culture,” during an appearance at the Biden Courage Awards.
And, apparently, it's working for him...
Former Vice President Joe Biden holds a double-digit lead over the rest of the 2020 Democratic field in a new poll released Thursday.

27 March 2019

Ralph Goodale's "War on Neo-Nazis"...

...yielding unexpected non-Nazi results...insert alt text here
A 35-year-old Brampton man, Salem Talke, is facing more than 60 charges in connection with what police are calling one “one of the single biggest firearms seizures” in Peel Region history.

26 firearms were found, along with 1,500 rounds of ammunition and a bullet proof vest. A large quantity of drugs with a street value of $1.2 million was also seized.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
"A Toronto jury has retired to decide whether Harris Nnane is guilty of a 2016 brazen double murder outside an east-end LCBO without being told that his companion that evening is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for first-degree murder."
Don't get me started on Curly, Larry and Wazir.


RELATED: I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...
REGINA — Canada’s Minister for Public Safety Ralph Goodale says right-wing, white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups are an increasing concern and threat to Canadians.
Hmmm... they just can't seem to find any of these ubiquitous Nazis.

OJ Simpson returns to Hollywood... negotiate reboot of "Naked Gun" franchise...insert alt text here**********

RELATED: You can almost smell the justice
'As If It Never Existed:' Cook County Clerk's Office Stunned as Smollett Case File Vanishes From Records System.

BREAKING: Smollett looking to sue... somebody?
The money quote... "It was not immediately clear whom Smollett would sue."

LAST WORD: It ain't over 'til it's over
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The FBI is reviewing the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of criminal charges against "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett, two law enforcement officials confirmed.

26 March 2019

Let's face it - GAY, BLACK celebrity... Barack Obama's backyard... it was never gonna happen...insert alt text here
"While many were quick to rush to judgement before hearing the actual truth, we are grateful that the truth about Jussie has come to light. We look forward to bringing the real perpetrators to justice."
Yeah, buddy... you and O.J. both.


RELATED: Let's ask the Detective in charge...
Area Central Detective Cmdr. Edward Wodnicki said detectives uncovered “overwhelming” evidence against Smollett. So for the state’s attorney’s office at this point to dismiss the charges … without discussing this with us at all is just shocking.”

LAST WORD: Join the discussion...
No penalty for trying to start a race war? Brought to you by the crooked Democrats of Chicago. Mayor Daley’s political grandchildren. Al Capone’s criminal great grandchildren. What about federal charges for hate crimes?

Why should Republicans settle for...

...anything less than Hillary in handcuffs...insert alt text hereIt gets better... by which I mean worse.

insert alt text here**********

RELATED: Think it doesn't happen here?

Think again.insert alt text here

25 March 2019

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
Among the items seized from currency exchange owner Farzam Mehdizadeh’s North York office were nine Ontario driver’s licences, and a brick of $20s wrapped in elastic bands and attached to a white bank envelope, with a $14,000 bank draft from a major Canadian bank tucked inside.

Eventually, Mehdizadeh would be accused of laundering $100 million in just one year in Toronto and Montreal. He has yet to appear in court, and according to colleagues, he has left Canada for his native Iran.
That's what happens when you have special rules for special people.
A Global News investigation has found that Canada largely fails to effectively prosecute money-laundering cases, with just 321 convictions between 2000-2016. Roughly 809 cases were either stayed, withdrawn or dismissed, over that same time period, resulting in a conviction rate of around 27 per cent.

The RCMP believed he was just one suspect in a very large group of underground bankers, active in Toronto and Montreal especially, with links to real-estate money laundering.

RELATED: Those scofflaw "Canadians"...
A Toronto nightclub owner, Denis Mesumb, 43, an owner of the Tam Tam Weekend Lounge on Eglinton Ave. W. has been busted with a septum-busting 127 lbs. of cocaine stashed in a hidden compartment of his SUV.

It's probably for the best

insert alt text here
A growing group of women concerned about climate change are choosing not to reproduce. Called BirthStrikers, they agree to not bear children “due to the severity of the ecological crisis and the current inaction of governing forces in the face of this existential threat.”

23 March 2019

The Jussie T narrative continues... fall apart...
"Trudeau insists he was trying to protect SNC-Lavalin jobs — even as its CEO says he didn’t raise the issue."
In other "make it up as you go" news... the Russia narrative falls apart...
"A mere thirty-three pages of thinly sourced gossip was enough to support a three-year multi-gazillion-dollar investigation that destroyed the real lives of real people."

22 March 2019

Don't you dare clean your room!!!

They start burning books, it's time to rise up & fight...insert alt text here
"Jordan Peterson's popular '12 Rules' book banned by New Zealand booksellers because of Christchurch mosque massacre."
One sidenote...
A New Zealand bookstore stopped selling Jordan Peterson’s book in light of the Christchurch mosque shootings, but continues to offer Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”
UPDATE: As ye sow...


RELATED: We are all Muslim now!
New Zealand has commemorated the victims of the Christchurch mosque shootings by broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer nationwide (which the BBC translates from Arabic as “God is great, there is no God but Allah") during a two-minutes’ silence, with the Prime Minister and many other non-Muslims donning veils for the occasion.

Prime Minister Jacina Ardern wore an Islamic headscarf, or hijab, for open-air prayers.
That'll teach those nasty, racist Christians.


...says PMO...liar,liar
Liberal MP Jane Philpott said she had concerns about the government's handling of the SNC-Lavalin case before the controversy became public in January. She alleged Canadians have been prevented from hearing more about what went on in government circles due to efforts by the Prime Minister's Office to "shut down the story."insert alt text here"Philpott's interview with Maclean's — her first substantial interview since resigning from cabinet earlier this month — set official Ottawa buzzing and is certain to dominate the SNC-Lavalin conversation.
It ain't over til the aboriginal lady sings...
Jody Wilson-Raybould says she will provide a written statement and copies of text messages and emails to the Commons justice committee that shut down its probe of the SNC-Lavalin affair.

21 March 2019

Please Justin... act quickly...

...we need to make shooting people "super double illegal"...most wanted
A shooting in the Malvern neighbourhood of Scarborough has sent a male victim to hospital with serious injuries. Upon arrival at the scene, officers said they located a male victim suffering from at least one gunshot wound. He was conscious and breathing at the time.

A black male suspect was seen fleeing the area.

RELATED: Toronto: Homicide #16

Diversity is our streng... sweet baby jebus...
"Homicide detectives have taken over investigating an early-March shooting after the victim, 32-year-old Nashwan Yonan succumbed to his injuries in hospital."
It gets better, by which I mean worse...
Toronto police released video of a gunman, perched through the sunroof of a car, opening fire on another vehicle in the city's east end.

Can't be too careful these days

insert alt text hereSounds like a plan, bro.


RELATED: Time to "Woke Up"
The Detroit NAACP joined health officials last fall to oppose legalization, insisting marijuana is a way to hold minorities “in bondage.” The Rev. Horace Sheffield of the Detroit Association of Black Organizations asked: “How do I tell young people about the dangers of drugs if it’s now legal?”

Chronic teen marijuana users have dismal futures, reports the American Public Health Association. They stop their education sooner, are less likely to have full-time jobs as adults and have lower socio-economic potential.

LAST WORD: Dave's not here man!
After marijuana use was legalized in Colorado in 2012, ER visits linked to cannabis use tripled over the next five years at one of the state's largest hospitals, according to a new analysis. Psychiatric ER visits were more common after people consumed marijuana edibles, compared to smoking or inhaling cannabis products.

20 March 2019

Toronto - Homicide #14...

[...correction, make that #15...]insert alt text hereSome crackerjack police work here... already ruled out half the suspects on the planet...
"I can tell you we are looking for at least one suspect, who is described as a male – again we are very early in the investigation."
Don't worry folks... once Justin Trudeau brings in his confiscatory laws against legal, registered firearms owners... the criminal gangs WILL HAVE TO STOP murdering people.


UPDATE: Murdered man identifiedinsert alt text here
Police have since identified him as Jerome Belle, from Toronto. Homicide detective Rob North said the victim was known to police.
Of course he was.

The real lesson here is be careful what you wish for...
Belle was an aspiring rapper who went by the nickname “Murda” and his sister said that he wanted to “go big.
His street name was "Murder?" Seriously, isn't that just tempting the gawds?

UPDATE2: The one that got away...
Homicide #14 has been identified as Helen Fronczak, 79, of Toronto. Larry Fronczak, 80, of Toronto, was arrested.

19 March 2019

So much hate... little time...insert alt text here
For the second day in a row, a suspicious item was found at the station’s bus bay. Kamal Badri, of Toronto, is facing multiple charges including public mischief and uttering threats.

It’s believed Badri deliberately placed the suspicious packages at the station, although there has been no word on what his possible motivation may have been.
Yes, it's a mystery.
"No need to worry. He's not a white supremacist."
Of course, maybe next time it's a real IED.


Remember, diversity is our streng... sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
NANAIMO (NEWS 1130) – Mounties in Nanaimo say they’ve arrested 19-year-old Kyle Dias who was wanted for second-degree murder in Toronto, all because he wasn’t wearing a helmet while riding a bike.

Police say the bike helmet charge was not being pursued.

I'm so old, I can remember when...

...we had actual news reporting...insert alt text here
"The great tragedy of our time is that we have allowed morally bankrupt parasitic writers like Kingsley to appoint themselves the arbiters of ethics. People like Kingsley feed on hatred and, in fact, need hatred to survive."

RELATED: Justin absolves himself

Remember, you get the government you deserve.

18 March 2019

Conspiracy theorist & Liberal cheerleader...

...Michael Wernick falls on his sword... or did he?insert alt text here
“It is now apparent that there is no path for me to have a relationship of mutual trust and respect with the leaders of the Opposition parties."
Hmmm... I'm wondering about the timing here...
Earlier this month, lawyer Marie Henein threatened to ask the court to subpoena Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's former principal secretary, Gerald Butts, and Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick to testify in Norman's trial if they don't produce all documents relevant to the defence.
These guys don't give a rooster crap about committees or the electorate... but, trust me, they're scared witless of human buzzsaw Marie Henein.


Michael Wernick, Government Relations Coordinator for the engineering and construction firm, said he had a great time serving the corporation while working with many people he considers friends.

I must have missed the part...

...where Prime Minister Dressup phoned the Netherlands to express his tearful condolences...insert alt text here
"CCTV captures Turkish 'gunman' Gökmen Tanis, 37, on Dutch tram moments before 'terrorist-motivated' shooting spree left three people dead and nine others wounded."

"Tanis had been due in court on March 4 in connection with a rape case, accused of sexually assaulting his victim several times, and threatening to burn down her home."
Hmmm... Pierre-lite sure got on the blower tout de suite to New Zealand... but I guess that was different...
"Canada shares New Zealand's feelings of grief and loss."

RELATED: Jussie T doubles down...
"A visibly angry Trudeau denounced the "small, toxic segments" of society that peddle the belief diversity is a weakness, spewing hatred and inciting violence."

LAST WORD: Who could have seen this com...

...sweet baby jebus...
A local businessman told BBC Turkish that Tanis had previously fought in Russia's republic of Chechnya. Jihadist groups, including those aligned with the Islamic State group, have long operated in the region. "He was arrested because of his connections with ISIS but released later," the businessman told the BBC.
I guess Orwell was right... special rules for special people.

So, Queen Elizabeth keeps telling me... "Highland Clearances" remuneration cheques are in the mail...insert alt text here
WASHINGTON – Melina Abdullah, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, said Black Lives Matter activists have a “right to riot” to make powerful people listen to their message.

Abdullah also said police officers should be trained for some other kind of work.

“We don’t need people roaming through our streets with guns and badges and really seizing upon us, descending upon especially black, brown, and poor communities, and then having a goal of locking us up in cages.
Of course, Melina... let's pull the cops from every black community in America and watch everything go full throttle, balls to the wall "Lord of the Flies."

Say, I hear the Gambino family... looking for experienced "mechanics"...insert alt text hereThen, there's Manitoba - The Game of Thrones province


RELATED: Come for the fancy cuisine...

...stay for the mayhem...
"Three people were stabbed after a fight broke out at a North York banquet hall overnight. Toronto police said two males have been taken into custody."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
"Three males were taken to a trauma centre with serious injuries after multiple shots were fired into a vehicle on Trethewey Drive, near Jane Street, shortly after 4 a.m.

17 March 2019

Another story you won't see...

...on the CBC...insert alt text here
"Fulani militants killed thousands of Christians in 2018 alone in what many are calling a Christian genocide in Nigeria’s Middle Belt."
Thousands? That's more than 50, right?

And "militant"... seriously? That conjures up an image of some spoiled college kid protesting a tuition hike.


"Since the start of 2019, there have been about 355 terror attacks in 31 countries resulting in deaths. Of these 355 terror attacks, one was carried out by a right-wing extremist and the other 354 were carried out by faithful members of the religion of harmony and happiness."

Lies, damned lies and statistics

Let's ask a Librano...toronto's most wanted
Liberal ministers persist in the myth that there are 1,200 break-ins every year in Canada to steal firearms, even though StatsCan’s database shows just five “robberies to steal firearms” in 2013, 16 in 2014, 12 in 2015 and 18 each in of 2016 and 2017.

Firearms researcher Dennis Young, himself an ex-Mountie, has filed numerous access-to-info requests with the federal government.

Young has managed to pry out the fact that neither the RCMP nor StatsCan have ever compiled statistics on the sources of crime guns.
1,200 break-ins, my arse.

So, if it isn't farmers, hunters and skeet shooters and legal, registered firearms... who exactly is doing all the killing?

Wait...most wantedWhat shiny new gun laws are going to deter these predators?

16 March 2019

"It’s the apocalypse!"

The newspapers are calling it, "an orgy of anti-capitalist destruction"...
On Saturday, the demonstrators returned in their thousands to once again transform the Champs Elysees — a symbol of French power and luxury — into a battlefield. By the early evening, 151 people had been arrested.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner blamed the violence on “over 1,500 ultra-violent people who came to smash things up, do battle and attack.
I don't get France... they're either running for their lives, or re-enacting, usually really ineptly... the Charge of the Light Brigade.


UPDATE: Well, they have to punish someone...
"The French government will replace the Paris police chief and ban rallies in some areas, after Saturday's violent protests."

Turns out "Hopey-Changey" guy... an accessory to mass murder...insert alt text here
"Between 2013 and 2017, more than 67,000 people died of synthetic-opioid-related overdoses — exceeding the number of U.S. military personnel killed during the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined."
Here's the real story...
In May 2016, a group of national health experts pressed high-level Obama administration officials to declare fentanyl a national “public health emergency” that would put a laserlike focus on combating the emerging epidemic and warn the country about the threat.

The administration considered the request but did not act on it.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

And he did.


RELATED: Malik Obama goes "Full Fredo"...insert alt text here

15 March 2019

And they lived happily ever after...

...said no reasonable, rational person ever...insert alt text here
A high-trust, traditionally homogenous community with a deep civil society marked by thrift, industriousness, and openness, Minnesota seemed like the ideal place to locate an indigent Somali population now estimated at 100,000.
Hip, hip, hooray... diversity is our streng... sweet baby jebus...
A September 2015 report of the House Homeland Security Committee task force on combating terrorist and foreign-fighter travel revealed that Minnesota led all states in contributing foreign fighters to ISIS.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
"WCCO also learned that when she approached the squad car, Officer Noor, the first Somali-American officer to work in Minneapolis’ 5th precinct reached across his partner in the driver’s seat, then shot and killed [slight, blonde, pyjama clad yoga teacher] Justine Damond."

RELATED: Think it isn't happening here?

Think again.
"The investigation is going to go nowhere without co-operation. We believe they know exactly who killed this guy and none of them will say," said Edmonton police homicide detective Bill Clark. "If we got co-operation, this one we could easily solve."

"Somewhere, Ira Einhorn is smiling..."

"And no, that’s not meant to be funny."
insert alt text hereForget about Cpl. Nathan Cirillo & the attack on Parliament Hill. Forget about the Beaches Shooter and his killing spree. Forget the Bataclan.

For the next week, on the strength of a terrorist attack in New Zealand, CBC will devote itself to lurid tales of Muslims hiding in their cellars to escape their murderous, racist Canadian neighbours. And I, for one, resent the shit outta that.

Think I'm kidding? Think again...
REGINA — Canada’s Minister for Public Safety Ralph Goodale says right-wing, white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups are an increasing concern and threat to Canadians.

Goodale says the federal government is working with Internet providers to eliminate the issue.

RELATED: Hollywood blames Trump


LAST WORD: Toronto... home of the KKK...

...and selective memory...
“I cannot stop going to nightclubs if these things are happening, whatever has to happen will happen. We cannot just stop going to the Bataclan.”
Missed the reference? Let me help you out...
"According to testimony, Wahhabist killers reportedly gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were reportedly stabbed in the genitals."
I'm just waiting for CBC to come up with a television series called "White People Gone Wild."

14 March 2019

Toronto: Homicide #13 identified

Yet another client of "community housing" gets the chop...
"Court documents obtained by CP24 identify the victim as Jennyfer Lachapelle. The documents also identify the suspect as 38-year-old Andrew Gerber."

RELATED: "Staggering number of guns..."

Despite the scary headline... turns out the over-abundance of illegal, unregistered firearms is actually in the hands of black gangbangers in the notorious northwest end of Toronto.

Enough with the threats...'s not making anyone feel better...insert alt text here
“When you don’t have integration then you have serious problems like terrorism,” he said, adding: “It is in everybody’s interests that we work towards a better integration of migrants and refugees, not to do so is to store up problems for the future.
Wait a minute... who's doing all the work here?
Surveys, such as the INED 2015 Virage survey, have shown that nearly half of the violence against women, 43 percent, occurs on public transport in the Ile-de-France region with another 40 percent taking place on the street.

13 March 2019


insert alt text here
"I hope everyone was watching when Trudeau’s little fascists shut down the Justice Committee meeting today. After three or four MPs gave their reasons why the former AG should come back, a Liberal MP asked that the meeting should be adjourned."

"Of course the Liberal MPs all voted for the adjournment. And so the meeting abruptly ended. So much for democracy in Trudeau’s Canada."

Toronto: Homicide #12 identified...

...and it's, surprise, surprise... the usual suspects...insert alt text here
Police have identified the victim of a shooting in North York as 51-year-old Martin Anthony Johnson. Homicide Det. Paul Worden said evidence at the scene showed that more than 10 shots were fired.

"It was surprising more people did not call in based on the amount of shots that were fired."
That's so cute... apparently it's Detective Worden's first day on the job.

UPDATE: Of course, the CBC doesn't want to...

...burden you with unnecessary detail...
CP24 has learned that Johnson was previously the victim of a shooting in a building near Weston Road and Gaydon Avenue in the city’s west end on Jan. 13.

RELATED: Don't look away, you'll miss it...
Toronto police say the death of a woman early Wednesday in a west end residential building at Symington Avenue and Davenport Road has been deemed a homicide. The death is Toronto's 13th homicide of the year.

Justin Trudeau Saves the World...

...Part 88...insert alt text here
Hard on the heels of the transfer that raised hell last fall — the killer Terri-Lynne McClintic from a prison to a healing lodge — the Correctional Service of Canada has quietly moved another controversial inmate.This time, it’s Cody Legebokoff, Canada’s youngest serial killer. Legebokoff was just 20 when he was arrested on Nov. 28, 2010 in the death of a pretty, visually impaired (she was legally blind) 15 year old high school student named Loren Leslie.

DNA later linked Legebokoff to the earlier murders of three other women in the logging city of Prince George — Jill Stacey Stuchenko and Cynthia Frances Maas, both 35, and Natasha Lynn Montgomery, 23.
Will someone ask the Prime Minister, "Where is the cabinet level Ministerial intervention for the families of victims of Canadian serial killers?"


RELATED: It gets better... by which I mean worse...
Khaled Farhan, dubbed The Butcher of Gatineau by the press in 1999 after killing and then dismembering his lover days later, has won parole with the hopes of starting a new, quiet life as a transgender woman at an undisclosed halfway house.

LAST WORD: In other "justice news"...
An Etobicoke man accused of posing as an Uber driver and raping a female passenger is a refugee claimant who alleges the Taliban marked him for death. Muhammad Fahad, whose refugee claim was denied last January, will have a new hearing — if he shows up. Fahad is on the lam after he allegedly absconded on Family Day weekend from sexual assault and theft charges.

Last January, the Immigration Refugee Board ruled that Fahad was not credible and denied his refugee claim.

12 March 2019

It's only fair...

...gimme that "basic dictatorship"...insert alt text here
“We have to consider that Rizzuto Inc. is an important employer in Quebec and across the country,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “And I’m an MP from this country so I have to do everything to save those 9,000 jobs whether you be the top boss or a lowly bagman.”

“There’s spin-off jobs in the Hells Angels, Bonanno crime family, Musitano crime family, and West End Gang that will be greatly affected if this corporation is shut out of contracts with Mexican drug cartels,” said the Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick.

“Bet that one isn’t going in the yearbook”

insert alt text here
Jim Sable, a retired advertising agency owner, asked administrators to pretend, for a second, that he didn’t represent a shooting sports organization. Imagine instead that he was asking them to start an activity that causes concussions, broken collarbones and fractured legs. No way, right?

He then reminds them he’s describing football.
Guns cause crime like wooden matches cause smoking.


DEFINITELY NOT RELATED: Who's bangin' who?

Toronto's notorious "northwest" end yet again living up to it's sordid reputation...
Multiple shots rang out at the low-rise building on Dorado Court, in the area of Keele Street and Sheppard Avenue, at around 11:20 p.m. Monday night. A man was then found with gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene. He is believed to be 51 years old.
To paraphrase comedian Chris Rock... "When I go to the money machine late at night... I ain't lookin' over my shoulder for hunters, farmers or trap shooters."


LAST WORD: Justin fixes the World... Part 73
A couple of sociopathic thugs from a welfare hellhole murder the kid down the street. Should we alter the law of the land to penalise law abiding Canadians?

I can't help thinking of this stuff...

..."as Sunny Days-Lite"...insert alt text here
"Cannabis drinks taste a lot like urine, but a Canadian company thinks it’s found a solution."

11 March 2019

Apparently, though... you'd be wrong...

insert alt text here
"Even the most positive of positive discriminators would not want 9 percent of policemen with an IQ lower than 80, or 15 percent with a Body Mass Index of more than 35, just to reflect accurately the population of the country."
Think this sort of thing couldn't happen in Canada?

Think again...insert alt text here
An internal RCMP document, obtained through access to information, flagged credit checks, the criminal background ban, the two-hour aptitude test and long stints at the training depot as potential barriers during the recruitment process.

The document notes that some of the mandatory requirements can create barriers for communities the force wants to attract, including "groups more likely to have contact with the criminal justice system."

The review exercise is the brainchild of Vaughn Charlton, the RCMP's Director of Gender-Based-Analysis-Plus.

RELATED: Special rules for special people
The City of Ottawa has refused an access-to-information request by this newspaper seeking a report on a collision that involved Aissatou Diallo, the OC Transpo driver who was later involved in the January bus crash at Westboro station.

10 March 2019


insert alt text here
"Sincerity – if you can fake that, you’ve got it made."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...insert alt text here**********

RELATED: #BelieveAllWomenExceptThisOne
The Prime Minister's Office says there was "absolutely no hostility" from Justin Trudeau towards Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes, despite allegations she's made against him.

The Democrats Destroy America...

...Part 47...insert alt text here
Pelosi said, “I don’t think our colleague is antisemitic. I think she has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning that she didn’t realize, but nonetheless that we had to address.”
Speaking of different experiences...
The district represented by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has seen more men and boys attempt to join foreign terrorist organizations over the last 12 years than any other district in the United States.
Please note... not all of Ms Omar's constituents joined foreign terrorist groups.


RELATED: A problem with the language, or...

...a problem with reality...
Rep. Ilhan Omar’s attempt to shame a news outlet for misquoting her blistering attack on former President Barack Obama backfired as a recording confirmed the comments she made to the news outlet. By Saturday afternoon, she had deleted the tweet.

LAST WORD: Spreading the love

09 March 2019

Jussie's TruDope eliminates drug traffi...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
Police in York Region are warning of cannabis-edibles with little or no labelling to indicate they are anything more than simple candy after seizing $1.7M worth of illegal product.

A Vaughan man, identified as Emil Mikhailov, 42, was charged with offences under the Cannabis Act.

RELATED: #FullWokePolitiSlut

In other Librano Family shennanigans... insert alt text here
"'Fredo' Copps leaves the gun, the cannolis'... and her wallet."
Once an Injun, always an Injun, right Sheila?