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22 March 2019

Don't you dare clean your room!!!

They start burning books, it's time to rise up & fight...insert alt text here
"Jordan Peterson's popular '12 Rules' book banned by New Zealand booksellers because of Christchurch mosque massacre."
One sidenote...
A New Zealand bookstore stopped selling Jordan Peterson’s book in light of the Christchurch mosque shootings, but continues to offer Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”
UPDATE: As ye sow...


RELATED: We are all Muslim now!
New Zealand has commemorated the victims of the Christchurch mosque shootings by broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer nationwide (which the BBC translates from Arabic as “God is great, there is no God but Allah") during a two-minutes’ silence, with the Prime Minister and many other non-Muslims donning veils for the occasion.

Prime Minister Jacina Ardern wore an Islamic headscarf, or hijab, for open-air prayers.
That'll teach those nasty, racist Christians.