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26 October 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
The suspects, two Senegalese citizens and one Nigerian, were being held on suspicion of murder, group sexual assault and distributing drugs in the death last week of 16-year-old Desiree Mariottini, Italian authorities said Thursday.

The brutality of the Mariottini's death drew comparisons with the murder and rape of 18-year-old Pamela Mastropietro, whose body was found last winter in pieces in a suitcase in the central Italian city of Macerata.
Where are all the "if it only saves one life" socialists now?


RELATED: An Empire Undone
Virginia Raggi, the mayor of Rome with the Five Star Movement, is deeply embattled as the city has fallen into disastrous degradation, with garbage strewn across dark, broken streets and drug use spiking in bleak neighborhoods.

Seven Syrians and one German passport-holder have been arrested following the gang rape of an 18-year old girl in Freiburg. Such crimes have become increasingly common in Germany since Angela Merkel invited more than a million migrants to the country in 2015.