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25 October 2018

Call me when something actually explodes...

...because, so far... these purported "bombs" are about as dangerous as a GI Joe...insert alt text here
"None of the devices harmed anyone, and it was not immediately clear whether any of them could have. One law enforcement official said investigators were examining the possibility that they were hoax devices that were constructed to look like bombs but would not have exploded."

UPDATE: Roided-up Native American felon...

...arrested in Florida...insert alt text hereOf course, he also has the requisite poster laden "crazy van"...
Three officials identified the suspect as 56-year-old Cesar Sayoc Jr., of Florida. Public records show he has an extensive record of arrests for battery, theft, moving violations, and steroid-related charges.
Sounds like this genius would have trouble working a Slinky, never mind constructing an IED.

That certainly isn't gonna stop CNN from trying to portray this imbecile as Donald Trump's secret best friend.