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09 November 2016

Contrary to CBC's nightlong narrative...

...the first actions of a Trump presidency will not be to tattoo barcodes on "differently-abled", Muslim lesbians foreheads... and ship them all off to a gulag in Alaska...
"To be really historic...we have to do a great job..."
Of course... some folk beg to differ.

Looks like Donald WAS prepared for that call at 3AM.

From Hillary.


LAST WORD: Is this Obama's real legacy?
Look out for the executive orders, the “midnight” regulations and, perhaps most controversially, the pardons.

“I do think a pardon for Huma and Weiner might happen,” said Michael McKenna, a Republican lobbyist, referring to Huma Abedin and her estranged husband, Anthony D. Weiner, whose emails are being scoured by the FBI for wrongdoing.
Let's see how bent Obama really is.