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09 November 2016

We're gonna have to build a wall

"Immigration Canada’s website has had so many requests in the last hour that the site has completely crashed and is giving users an error message."
Ah... the lunatic left. I, for one, am content to drink their bitter tears...
“If the outcome sees Mr. Trump elected, measures are in place to maintain calm, if need be.”
All those wise & gentle progressives are suddenly calling for blood.


RELATED: Please, please, please... not Lena Dunham
Here are 16 of Hollywood’s best and brightest who have pledged to move out of the United States in the event of a Trump win.
Peter Mansbridge & Pals are completely melting down as we speak. The only lucid, literate presence tonight is David Frum... the other two panelists (both women, btw) are actually frothing at the mouth.


UPDATE: Podesta just showed up at 2:00am EST

Is there a problem with Hillary's batteries? Are her transistors overheating?

Hillary not going to appear tonight. Campaign Chair Podesta says people should leave Clinton party HQ and go home. Apparently she's not as willing to accept the will of the people as she previously said.
@CBSNews... Charlie Rose: "It is a grand irony that we talked a lot about whether Trump would accept the results and the question is not that."
Perhaps the Dems need time to make some adjustments on those Soros manufactured voting machines.


UPDATE2: 2:32 AM EST - Bloomberg calls it
Trump, 70, was projected to be the victor early Wednesday by the Associated Press and television networks after Wisconsin pushed him over the 270 Electoral College vote threshold needed to become president-elect.
The avalanche begins.



Trump appears on stage at 2:48am. Did Hillary call Trump and concede? Perhaps we'll find out now.

Okay, it's official at 2:50am... she folded on the phone to Trump... but would not do it publicly. That confirms everything I have thought about her this last few years.

In other news...
"The White House did not comment on whether Obama would also call Trump."
Forget about Obama... what will the Republican leadership do?