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24 July 2016

The "Evil Cop shoots Black Man" story...'ll NEVER SEE on the cop shoots black man
"But damning surveillance video obtained by The Post paints a much different portrait of the July 4 shooting — showing Delrawn Small falling back almost immediately after approaching Isaacs’ car."
Curiously, not a single spokes-victim from "Black Lives Matter" could be found for comment.


RELATED: Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter...

...that sounds so familiar...who's afraid of the...
"The chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive unit was called in to investigate the home of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, the day after a candlelight vigil by the activist group Black Lives Matter."
Hmmmm... sounds like the Premier of Ontario was just a little bit afraid of these, uh... social activists.


UPDATE: Forget about that story above...

...CBC gets it's mojo back...
Ontario's police watchdog is investigating after a shooting left a man dead and a woman seriously injured in Toronto's west end early Sunday. Man who suffered firearm injury and died on Howard Park Avenue now identified as Jenyon Middleton, 30-years-old.
Yessirree... let's go barbeque some local pig...
The SIU spokesman declined to say if the man was armed or whether the man and woman were known to police.
That's it, Muriel... get your nasty inferences in early.


UPDATE2: Dude shot his girlfriend, then himself

Better luck next time, CBC...
The incident on Sunday was not the first time the man identified as 30-year-old Jenym Fletcher-Middleton had encountered the police.

In December 2011, he was wanted by the 11 Division Family Violence Unit for allegedly making threats against a woman and disobeying court orders.

Two years later, police issued a news release saying Fletcher-Middleton was wanted on allegations of assault, forcible confinement and two counts of failing to comply with probation.
No comment yet from Toronto chapter of "Black Lives Matter."