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24 July 2016

Lone wolf here... lone wolf there...

...pretty soon you've got a pack...

germany blowing up?
The explosion occurred near the Ansbach Open music festival.

The festival has now been cancelled.
No official word as this is happening right now, but... It's confirmed... you can lay this at the feet of the "72 Virgins Dating Service"™...
"Ansbach Mayor Carda Seidel has said the blast was caused an 'explosive device', according to local media."

UPDATE: Germany's very bad weekend
Bavaria's Interior Ministry has confirmed that the explosion at Eugens Weinstube, a wine bar in Ansbach, a town west of Nuremburg, on Sunday night appears to have been intentional.
There is one bit of encouraging news here...
The incident is believed to have been a suicide bombing – and the man killed was the attacker.
He's also... wait for it... A SYRIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANT.


Same old, same old...lone wolf registry
A 21-year-old Syrian refugee killed a woman with a machete... before being arrested in the southern German city of Reutlingen, a police spokesman said.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that, despite the grammatical hiccup... this article isn't about a heroic Syrian refugee taking down a machete-wielding female lunatic... before being wrongly arrested by those fascist German police.

Of course, that might actually be the story over at Canada's national broadcaster.


UPDATE: Canadian news outlets all but useless

Checking in with a media outlet that still uses copy editors reveals the horrifying details...
Syrian refugee, 21, hacks PREGNANT woman to death with a machete and injures two others before hero BMW driver runs him over. The asylum-seeking Syrian man had been involved in previous incidents causing injuries to other people, police said.

German media reported that the killing took place outside a restaurant where the woman worked as a cleaner. The driver, who was named as Alper K, 21, is thought to be the son of the restaurant owner.

LAST WORD: Mo-Bros before Hoesreligion of peace
He describes the offender as a friendly guy who had come to Germany alone from Syria a half year ago. He fell in love with the local woman he had killed now.

"His name was Mohamed and has helped us in the service, he has made a good impression."
So, turns out both of these guys are Syrian refugee claimants.

Just like those 50,000 notoriously under-vetted, allegedly Syrians Justin Trudeau brought to Canada.

You feelin' safer yet?