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23 July 2016

Unadulterated, premeditated slaughter

Sorry to spoil the narrative, CBC... but this is the textbook definition of a terrorist act... Ali Sonboly was an 18-year-old who held dual citizenship of Germany and Iran.beware of bookworms
The gunman who opened fire inside a Munich shopping center Friday killing 9 people sent out an online invitation about a bogus free giveaway to attract more people to the site of the attack, investigators said.

The gunman hacked a Facebook account and sent a message urging people to come to the Olympia Einkaufszentrum mall for a free giveaway.
beware of bookwormsThe cops found a book in his apartment about sociopaths. Is there any German law about carrying a concealed library card?


POST UPDATED: Ali??? Ali who???airbrushing the politburo
BBC news anchors are, as of 3pm EST on Saturday afternoon, still referring to the killer as “David Sonboly”.
The MSM is working overtime to manipulate perceptions.


LAST WORD: If you outlaw guns...

...only terrorists & criminals will have them...
It is believed the weapon used to kill nine people on Friday was a replica that had been converted to fire live ammunition. Germany has strict gun laws and Sonboly would not have been granted a licence to own a weapon.
Remember, when seconds count... the police are only 10 minutes away.