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20 October 2015

Hey Canada, that new tax...

...on stupidity? The first installment gets billed today...
"The Liberals promised to up that to 25,000, beginning immediately. The platform promises to spend $250 million, including $100 million in the current fiscal year, 'to increase Syrian refugee processing, as well as sponsorship and settlement services.'”
That's $10,000 per refugee, right? That just might cover welfare housing & food for one year, but let's remember these people are not well educated, don't speak the language and have had minimal health care, so that figure needs to be multiplied, probably by at least four to cover "sponsorship and settlement services."

And it needs to be spent every year until Ahmad is employable. Call it a billion dollars yearly.

That's just one Justin promise... and it doesn't improve a single middle class Canadian life.

That's what you voted for, Canada. They promised us billions of dollars in deficit spending, and fuddle my sainted duddle, they'll deliver.

From the heart outwards, baby.

P.S. - Remember the Liberals "revenue neutral" long gun registry? Allan Rock promised that it would "pay for itself" through user fees.

Two billion dollars later, the Conservatives had to shoot the ailing beast and put it's crippled ass out of it's non-functional misery.

Dalton McGuinty's "Green Plan," adopted by Kathleen Wynne has put Ontario 8 billion dollars in the red. In Ontario, we now pay the highest electricity rates in North America. It is killing manufacturing jobs daily.

Government exists to perpetuate itself. Bureaucrats must spend all the money they're given or their budgets will be cut. Justin promised to slash a hole in Canada's national purse and enough people got on board that it's actually gonna happen.

This is a sad day for Canada.


LAST WORD: A Liberal Supporter speaksliberal supporterA sad, sad day.