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19 October 2015

The mere fact that...

...Canada's answer to Paris Hilton is even on the ballot makes me fear for my country...

toronto sun endorses harper
Harper successfully led Canada through the worst recession since the Great Depression, emerging in better shape than almost any other developed country.

Since then, he has successfully balanced the federal budget and positioned Canada for modest surpluses for the next four years.
ottawa citizen endorses harper
There are two serious issues facing Canada right now: Ongoing economic uncertainty, and an increasingly unstable situation in the Middle East. In the face of the worst economic downturn in a generation, Harper has made sure that Canada remains on secure economic footing, something both his opponents’ plans put at risk.

When it comes to confronting ISIL and the threat of global terror more generally, only the Conservatives are prepared to treat the matter with the strength of conviction it deserves.

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Today’s busy voter deserves to know just how much their potential future prime minister is lacking in credentials.

In terms of career experience, all the 43-year-old’s chalked up is a couple years as a teacher in British Columbia. After that, he entered an engineering program but soon dropped out, then started another MA program but dropped that too. He became an MP shortly after, in 2008.

In other words, Justin Trudeau spent the years before entering politics dabbling in this and that, drifting about without any commitment to work or school.


LAST WORD: Justin's pals throw elbows

The return of Chretien-style politics.