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21 October 2015

Look on the bright side...

It's not like Ontario WILL EVER elect another NDP government...
“While Mr Trudeau is the product of two political families — his father was prime minister — he came to politics late, after working as a snowboard instructor.”
So much for Canada ever being taken seriously again on the world stage. The only way this could be worse is if pictures of Justin as a mime start to surface on social media.
The lad himself has the media savvy of the selfie generation, and can more or less handle the bofferball questions from a sympathetic press."

"His sincerity shines when it comes to a small range of policy enthusiasms, such as the legalization of marijuana and brothels, and he is visibly convinced that peace is much nicer than war.

UPDATE: Intellect Optionalpretty piece of fluff
While Canadians are pretty well aware that they elected a very attractive new leader, the rest of the world is like, “OMG, who is this beautiful, beautiful man?”
It's true, who wants "brainy" Stephen Harper when they can have "studmuffin" Justin?

Especially, you know, in a Prime Minister.


RELATED: It's working so well...

...for the Italians, isn't it?

Pierre's son has reiterated his intent to change Canada over to a proportional representation system of voting.
Only parties passing a 3% minimum threshold in the first round are assigned seats. If the party receiving the plurality of the votes passes a 40% threshold, it is attributed a minimum of 340 seats (54%). The remaining 277 seats are allocated to the other parties in a proportional fashion, and no second round takes place.
Italy has had over 60 fractious governments in the 70 years since World War II.