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17 July 2013

Anybody asked Sophie Grégoire Trudeau... she feels about Sharia law? 'Cos I'm thinking she may not be quite ready to burka up.
“I’m at that awkward stage between jail bait and cougar.”
Speaking of awkward...imam trudeau
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was the guest at an Islamic Society of North America event. The organization and its Canadian branch endorse polygamy and support Sharia law in Canada.
Hmmm... that doesn't exactly dovetail with Ms. Trudeaus personal philosophy...
"I could go on and on about how there is still an imbalance between the "masculine" and the "feminine" in our society and world. Women are still being violated, trafficked, raped, beaten and deprived of their most basic human rights because of one reason: they are women."
I guess J-Glow is just a super flexible sort of guy.
Last year, Trudeau caused a stir by delivering the keynote speech at the Reviving the Islamic Spirit conference, which listed another controversial group, IRFAN Canada, as a sponsor until days before the conference.
Yup... flexible enough to gloss over his wife's beliefs.

Hey... a vote is a vote. Right?

Maybe the wrong Trudeau got elected.


RELATED: BCF is all over this


"Last week he schmoozed with a lesbian politician and a child pornographer at a gay pride parade. This week he speaks to an Islamic conference."

"Now, that's diversity!"
Ol' Justin's more flexible than his yoga instructor wife.