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16 July 2013

Hope, Change... pitchforks & torches

Dear Reverend Sharpton...

Will murdering George Zimmerman's immediate family satisfy the raging "community" bloodlust, or do you think cousins & inlaws will have to go too?

Could we maybe draw the line at neighbours and casual acquaintances?
"Under the circumstances, we have not been able to talk to him," Gladys Zimmerman told Barbara Walters. "We have had an enormous amount of death threats."

"George's legal counsel has had death threats, the police chief of Sanford, many people have had death threats."
So anyway, Al... you being a man of the cloth... maybe just a few conciliatory words to your discip...
"Well, I think that this is an atrocity. I think that it is probably one of the worst situations that I've seen. This is a slap in the face to those that believe in justice in this country."
Alrighty then, Rev... apparently we're back to mob justice.

Say hi to Jesus for me.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Boko Haram for L.A. hipsters
kill 'em all, let obama sort 'em out**********

"The media created the monster. May it feed on them first."