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17 July 2013

Never a Community Organiser around...

...when you really, really need one...
where's the outrage
"I'm sorry, but our media outrage capacity has been exceeded this news cycle. Please do call back when you experience another round of child murders."

RELATED: Triple homicide in Toronto

Who cares? It's not a super special tragedy like Obama's pseudo-son.
It’s still unclear exactly who was killed because police have not officially identified the city’s 32nd, 33rd and 34th homicide victims of the year.

Alexander Khalilov, 22, is charged with three counts of second-degree murder.
Normally I'd be horrified by stuff like this, but I don't want to dilute the Trayvonity...
Marleny Cruz, 25, and Joel France, 36, both of Toronto, were charged after Nicholas Cruz died in hospital and police were called. The 26-month-old child, who police say exhibited physical signs of trauma, was the city’s 31st homicide victim of the year.
I'm counting on the Journo-Canadian community to tell me when I'll be able to shift my outrage back to local events.