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18 June 2012

If only they had listened... Toronto City Councillor Adam Vaughn and banned all those nasty bullets...
Word of the shooting raced through Little Italy, and residents of nearby Crawford Street identified the slain man, whom they knew as “Johnny,” or “Little John,” as an affable sort who owned a house about two blocks from the crime scene. They said he had recently renovated the home for his mother to live in.

“He was certainly good to her,” one man said.
Okay, that's nice... the standard complimentary eulogy from the "professional journalist" community... immediately followed, of course, by pointed innuendo implying a darker side... you know... something for everybody...
Johnny often seemed to drive various expensive cars, including a BMW, a Maserati and a Volvo. He told people he made money flipping houses, and that he rented arcade games.

The many cafés that line College Street, in what has long been regarded as one on the safest of downtown neighbourhoods, were filled as local residents watched two Euro Cup soccer matches.
The safest, huh? Not any more. kiddies.


UPDATE: Covering all their options...

...that's what "professional" journos do...

First... the sugar & spice...
"The 35-year-old was a confidant to his mother, loved his young son and had a passionate, spontaneous personality, ready to give his opinion on any subject."
Then the snips & snails...
"Police, meanwhile, knew Mr. Raposo as a low-level gang leader, once the main man in the McCormick Boys, a small west-end crew that bought drugs from Italian organized crime to push on the streets."

"Where was your outrage at the armed robbery at the U of A? Fuckstick."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 10:14 AM, June 19, 2012