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19 June 2012

I think it's just outrageous...

...that a corporation is actually forcing kids to wear... wait a minute...
national velvet touch
"The JS Roundhouse Mids, which featured plastic orange chains and a cuff that strapped around the ankles, were slammed for resembling shackles, and many criticized Adidas for using an image reminiscent of slavery."
Call me crazy... but couldn't the free market (never mind common sense) work this one out on it's own?


UPDATE: The Mayor weighs in
"ADIDAS did the right thing by canceling the slavery shoe. There are certain things that are accepted in the US and certain things that are taboo."
(via ffof)


RELATED: Sensitive, huh?

I guess it's all relative...
“We wanted to be a place where people could come together and be a community,” he says. “We’re going to be sensitive to it being a religious word. We’re not looking to make fun of religion at all.”