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18 June 2012

National Velvet Touch

national velvet touch
"And until it airs, there is little more to do than speculate on who will portray whom. Howie Mandel as Layton? Rick Mercer, with prosthetic eyebrows, as Michael Ignatieff? Bruce Greenwood as Stephen Harper?"
Whaddaya wanna bet a certain Chinatown enterprise gets nary a single mention in this Ode to Saint Jack?


"I understand that in the first draft of script, they spend a lot of time on the incident where JL went undercover to a Toronto massage parlor and rescued the immigrant teen who had been forced to work as a prostitute."

"Apparently he had done this numerous times at many brothels and massage parlors, tirelessly working to save prostitutes, with little or no fanfare."
"House of Commons records for 2009 state that Chow and Layton charged Canadian taxpayers over a million dollars. Chow's expenses tallied $530,304.73 and Layton's was $628,913.68."

"That is about $1,160,000. Divide $1.16 by 365 to realize that these two very privileged people spent $3178.08 of someone else's money every day of the year. $3178 EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. After rent and travel, where did the rest of the money go?"

"Jack and Olivia had to get up mighty early in the morning every to spend over $3000 every single day of the year!"