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10 November 2011

"Good sense, innocence, cripplin' mankind"

..."Dead kings, many things, I can't define"...judgement... it's a good thingLet the beatification begin...
"She lived an authentic life — her philosophy was that one should never judge others."
Or, apparently... anything about herself.

apparently, they haven't ruled out the fluIronically... a little "self-judgement" here would probably have been a lifesaver.

What a waste.


RELATED: Give it a couple of days...

...and the lunatic left will have forgotten all about Ashlie Gough.

They've obviously got bigger fish, er... birds to fry...
brokeback iceberg'Cos that's just how they roll...
"It has been called unfair and heart-breaking. Others still are accusing the zoo of attempting to force the penguins into the 'patriarchal sex-trade industry'."