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09 November 2011


the sky is fallingUh... wait a minute...
Mr. Cassidy says the most vulnerable region is the West Coast, which has been hit with giant magnitude-9.0 quakes 13 times in the last 6,000 years, the last of them about 300 years ago.

He says B.C. is in the window in which a massive tremor might strike, but acknowledges it's a big window, spanning 200 to 850 years.
Professional journalists... your ethical & intellectual superiors.

Speaking of science, I hate where's my freakin' global warming.

You guys promised.

Speaking of journalistic hokum... this one takes the prize...
In an interview with the Star, Rae said he was struck by some of the people he met at Toronto’s Occupy demonstrations in St. James Park — middle-class people such as teachers or accountants who feel that their concerns and fears are being ignored by the polarized, political class in Ottawa.
Fortunately, there are journos out there who don't take the bait...
Accountants in the yurts? Teachers in the tents? Mr. Rae must have stumbled into the Occupy Toronto suburbs, where the tents have two-car garages and neat, carefully-kept lawns.
Or, you go with Occam's Razor... he's simply lying.